
"Gone With The Wind" 1939 - 222分鐘
"Ben Hur" 1959 - 212分鐘
"The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King" 2003 - 201分鐘
"Schindler's List" 1993 - 195分鐘
"Titanic" 1997 - 194分鐘
"The Good Shepherd" 2006 - 167分鐘
"The Departed" 2006 - 151分鐘
"Zodiac"2007 - 160分鐘
讀過電影的或許也看過D.W. Griffith的三小時作品"Intolerance"及"Birth of a Nation".
不少人, 包括電影業界, 導演, 影評人, 電影公司老闆, 觀眾等等, 都覺得有些電影過長, 其實大家又是否怕太長的電影呢?
忘記看過最長的電影是什麼了, 近年看過最長的應該是前陣子(去年十月)租影碟回家看的"The Best of Youth"(燦爛人生)(2003), 是意大利電影, 經刪剪過的版本, 也有六小時長. 不過我分了兩天三次去看. 看過後知道那時影藝戲院還未結業, 電影再於那裡上映, 分上下集, 或許戲院也明白觀眾沒能耐安坐那裡一氣看六小時吧, 且影響成本. 六小時的電影, 因為好看, 一點都沒有悶的感覺, 亦不會覺得再刪減多幾小時可以更好.
說到長電影, 當然是兩個半小時以上的, 個人不太抗拒, 只要是好的電影, 哪管它要馬拉松式地看. 不好看的電影, 即使是90分鐘內完成也可以把觀眾悶死.
比較喜歡拍90分鐘內完成的電影導演有Woody Allen及Stephen Frears("The Queen", "Mrs. Henderson Presents").
"I do think that most films are too long. I've seen too many long films. I've learned to be sympathetic to the audience. If nothing else, keep it short... You just say, 'Look, we've done this bit' or 'They've said all this.' Get on with it. You learn not to draw things out. All you're ever learning is not to be boring."Frear說.
近年片長多過兩小時的電影有: "Casino Royale," "Apocalypto," "Miami Vice," "Superman Returns," "The Da Vinci Code"及"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"等等.
不過"Zodiac"導演David Fincher(還有"Fight Club"及"Seven")也說: "I do agree you can't just make movies three hours long for no apparent reason. For a romantic comedy to be three hours long, that's longer than most marriages."
畢竟電影始終是一門生意, 太長的電影對老闆來說便不太合乎成本效益了.
英文原文: Long flicks: To cut or not to cut?

我好鍾意 fwd, 尤其是啲咁長嘅戲.
最長的我看過 The Ten Commandments (1956 那齣)。220分鐘﹐唔夠 Gone With The Wind 長。
I think the longest movie I have watched is "JFK" starring Kevin Costner.
THe longest one for me is Satantango - 7 hours! What a masterpiece by Bela Tarr!
一次過睇晒魔戒 one two three
LDD: fast forward不如唔好睇... lord of the rings, 唔知點解, 一D都唔鍾意, 睇過第一集, 無意欲睇二&三lu...
mooncakefreak: 近四個鐘, 唔食定野入場都可能會餓...
uncle ray: ha, i saw JFK too... was just back to HK from a vacation, due to jet lag, i fell asleep for most of the film!
andy: 7 hours! that's longer than "the best of youth"!
哈,我就係試過一日睇哂lord of rings..
我最長個套都係best of youth~
A~ 我都認為魔戒晤好睇, 除咗開大片 (打仗) 嗰 oD部份.
所以, hee, fwd fwd fwd>>>>>>>
牯嶺街少年殺人事件 director's cut好似長過best of youth...
coffee: 你呢D超級戲迷真係好勁. 十誡果次有無full house?
LDD: 唔好fwd啦.
aulina: 呢齣我多年前響hkiff睇, director's cut無睇過喎, 六七個鐘??
原來16年前喇... 唔係好記得,應該有,好正精簡版都4個鐘??搵唔返添...
but even 007 movies or blockbusters are now 2hr+, i think it's not a very good sign...
aulina: 可能上網或去台灣網會搵到.
lu: 如果節奏緊湊, 2-3hrs都ok既, 不過如果飲住汽水睇, 就一定要上廁所.
coffee: 好犀利...喂, 點解你今年唔可以睇hkiff???
"Intolerance"及"Birth of a Nation" ... 嘩,惡夢呀, 上film history同hollywood cinema各睇過一次,後者仲頂得順,前者真係睇到喊救命..... Orz
我之前亦在《超級裹腳布一文》中講過一D超長電影,我看過的最長一部電影系68年的《戰爭與和平》,over 6 hours.
coffee: 吓, 咁慘. 或者到時又睇到幾齣呢.
gabefung: 哈, 真係intolerance果隻... birth of a nation都有少少被迫, 可能睇過三次啦...
斐宇梧: 嘩, 我好耐無睇番D舊片啦, 以前睇太多, 宜家唔係太有意欲睇. ;)
coffee: 係呀, 今年好似比往年商業化左少少, D banners多到丫, 可能多左D 歌迷鍾意既韓國片(Rain), 又有好多年輕一代鍾意既日本&韓國片. catalog你都無拎, 我諗你真係預左無得睇咯...
coffee: 我都覺得今年歐洲片無以前咁多, 亞洲片就多蘿蘿... 不過今年好期待既片都係得一兩套囉, 你無買唔會有太大損失.
For the long movies, I can't hardly tolerate "Meet Joe Black" and "My Fair Lady". They're not only long, but dull and sleepy.
The length is really a consideration for me to watch or not to watch. My usual tolerance is 130 minutes. That's why I still haven't watched Gone with the wind, Ben-Hur, Boogie Nights etc.
But many long-dull epics like the ones by Tarkovsky, Hou Hsiau Hsien, 牯嶺街少年殺人事件 and Godfather-trilogy, I do think they need to be that long and still some of my best times of my life.
bahang: i like "meet joe black" and "my fair lady" woh... they don't look too long for me.
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