
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Angelina Jolie: "I Was Transformed"

前陣子荷李活女星Angelina Jolie去了非洲乍得(Chad)的首都恩加美納(N’Djamena), 然後再從那裡往一個收容了26,000名從蘇丹達佛(Darfur)來的難民, 名為Oure Cassoni的難民營. 上面的相片中, Jolie正在擁抱一個七歲的孩子, 他三歲時親眼目睹自己居住的村落被炸掉, 一直躲在樹林中, 兩天後才有家人尋到他, 然後一家人再逃到邊境. 現在母親為了保護他, 都用繩子把他繫在柱子上.


Jolie, traveling in her capacity as a goodwill ambassador for
the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,
talks to a French soldier after landing in the Chadian city of Abeche.

Jolie meets with children in the camp.
‘I am changed by the faces of the people I saw,’ she says.
‘It is something that I am incapable of describing.’

Jolie watches as Dr. Ashis Brahma, the medical coordinator for the
International Rescue Committee in the camp,
examines a woman suffering from a respiratory illness.
The patient recovered after treatment.

Jolie joins in a game of soccer at the camp.

Jolie says that she travels alone because she wants to be
as little distraction as possible. ‘If I felt that I was ever getting in the way-I wouldn’t do it.’


Anonymous said...


mad dog said...

yeah, and she keeps on adopting kids from poor countries.

lu said...

aulina x 2

but i also feel that her adoption was like some kind of addiction... :X

Anonymous said...

lu: somehow i wonder if she has time for those adopted children...

Anonymous said...

I don't think she has time for any children except those she can't really tend to... look at how many visits she's paying.

BUT, sometimes quality comes first.

Like I'm half a day in the office, who am I to judge. ;P

Anonymous said...

yes, she and pitt are so busy... why don't they just sponsor the kids and let others do the jobs.

sa said...

佢好叻, 亦好有愛心, 俾我實做唔到, 因為我怕我見到時會崩潰, 我唔識面對這些情況....慚愧

Anonymous said...

sa: 或者佢已經去到無慾無求既景況, 所以會咁有慈悲既心.