昨天早上上班前, 在家弄頭髮, 拔掉了六七條白髮. 朋友說開始發現有白頭髮, 很沮喪, 這個年紀, 這樣的生活, 很少人可以幸免. 我父三十多歲便滿頭白髮, 看來, 我只有這少許已算幸運.
拔白頭髮很需要技巧, 看見了也需要一些時間把它從眾多黑髮中揀出來, 前面的還容易, 側面或後面的就更難. 捉住了一小撮黑白混雜的頭髮, 看著鏡子, 又要有合適的燈光, 有時反光又不見了那條白頭髮, 真辛苦! 拔掉六七條白髮可以用上十多分鐘時間.
這個拔白頭髮遊戲令我想起數年前在電視上看過一個名為"Single Out"的節目, 就像"一筆Out消"一樣, 但參加者都是上來找伴侶的. 每次好像有一位參賽者, 列出她/他的要求, 另一群參賽者就是被選的"potential partner". 當參賽者每次叫出她/他的喜好, 如:"我愛會彈琴的男孩", 於是那大群的參賽者如果不符合要求, 自己就要離開, 合乎要求的則留下來, 如此類推, 直至那參賽者找到心目中最合心意的對象為止, 節目還會為兩位安排拍拖和發展. 節目十分有趣, 參賽者都是一些十八至二十頭的年輕人, 很多俊男美女, 參賽者揀選伴侶過程非常攪笑, 但又不乏認真.
我們平常也遇到這些"single out"的情況, 人生如此漫長, 要做決擇的機會多著. 小時要選小學, 生日要什麼禮物; 中學要選科目, 班別, 人生目標, 選大學; 大學要選主修, 學會, 宿舍, 功課小組, 男女朋友; 畢業後要選職業, 其後轉工, 成家立業, 買屋買車, 生仔搬家...
眾多"single out"遊戲當中, 我想最令人有共鳴始終都是找伴侶, 難怪這個電視節目那麼多人參加. 無論我們自己心中一向有什麼要求, 現實中, 永遠不一樣. 我也想另一半樣貌似黃耀明, 身形似阿Rain, 性格似"妙手仁心"劇中的曹永廉, 但永遠碰不上.
兩時多還未吃午餐, 因為中了blog毒, 現在要玩的"single out"遊戲是找什麼吃... 咖啡及沙律, 抑或湯麵及奶茶?
White hairs. Somehow it seems it's pretty normal for anybody in their 30s. Chinese Medicine believes that it's usually due to lack of QI and BLOOD to nourish the hair. Some other reasons could be that the YIN component of Kidney and Liver systems is slowly diminishing, or stagnation of BLOOD due to blocking of QI (If the QI can't drive the blood, the blood won't move much).
Therefore Blah Blah Blah shouldn't think too much by writing so many blogs (Even though your blog is so interesting and diversified). Let things be how and where they are. Eat well, strike a balance between work and play, exercise regularly, soon before you know it your hair will become black and shiny like the tahitian black pearls.
Johnny the Moron :@)
jesus, jtm the chinese doctor-to-be, so the first comment u gave me is chinese medicine again?!
but thanks so much for taking your time to read my blog! u r the very 1st friend of mine to read it... all readers here are "strangers". :)
have i told u the my tahitian black pearls are now curly? new look again!
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