
Tuesday, January 17, 2006


今年三月五日舉行的第七十八屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮, 主持人不再是上年的Chris Rock 或 Billy Crystal, 而是主持 "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart"的 Jon Stewart. 四十三歲的Stewart 原名Jonathan Stewart Liebowitz , 演出電影有: "Big Daddy" (1999), "The Faculty" (1998) "The First Wives Club" (1996) 等. 他曾奪七個艾美獎, 亦兩次當過格林美獎主持人 (2001及2002年).

本月初當奧斯卡主持人選宣佈後, Stewart 回應, 他作為一個演出者, 對此感到十分榮幸. 但作為一個奧斯卡忠實觀眾, 他覺得有點失望, 因為這是又一次沒有Billy Crystal 的頒獎典禮.

看了Billy Crystal當奧斯卡主持多年(原來他已當了八次), 實在有點懷念他精彩的表演. Crystal解釋不能當奧斯卡主持是因為他的首要工作是他的個人獨腳舞台演出"700 Sundays".

奧斯卡監製 Gil Cates 認為Jon Stewart 絕對升任, 雖然他的"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart"是一個政治攪笑節目, 但他很清楚"the difference of being irreverent without being impolite." 其實他的背景令他更升任奧斯卡主持一職, 因為今年有好些候選電影是以政治及社會問題為主題, 如: "Brokeback Mountain," "Good Night, and Good Luck," "Crash," "Munich," "Syriana," 及 "The Constant Gardener".

有報道指Jon Stewart 會休息一星期來預備主持工作, 雖然奧斯卡主持多數會用更多時間去預備. 如Billy Crystal, 他通常都會用兩個月去策劃, 拍攝, 及剪輯大會開首的片段及他的Medley版歌曲.

Courtesy of Los Angeles Times, The AP, MSNBC.

1 comment:

mad dog said...

"crash"? sound familiar, saw the poster or photos.
personally don't like sean penn, especially w/ his relationship w/ madonna... quite violent right?
anyway, i like "21 grams" a lot, very meaningful, but quite heavy, not so good to see it if in a bad mood. don't like naomi watts too, but people say she did a great job in "king kong".