
Monday, June 05, 2006

The Morning After

上星期看過"海神號"(Poseidon), 在這裡說過我的觀影後感, 網友叉燒包提到原作"The Poseidon Advenutre"那首經典主題曲"The Morning After". 昨天好友又在我的blog上問及這電影的新版, 令我再一次想起兩齣電影及舊片原曲.

在網上找到"The Morning After"的歌詞:

Song from "The Poseidon Adventure"
As recorded by Maureen McGovern, written by Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn

There's got to be a morning after
If we can hold on thru the night
We have a chance to find the sunshine
Let's keep on looking for the light.

Oh can't you see the morning after?
It's waiting right outside the storm
Why don't we cross the bridge together
And find the place that's safe and warm.

It's not too late, we should be giving
Only with love can we climb
It's not too late, not while we're living
Let's put our hands out in time.

There's got to be a morning after
We're moving closer to the shore
I know we'll be there by tomorrow
And we'll escape the darkness
We won't be searching anymore.

There's got to be a morning after (There's got to be a morning after)
There's got to be a morning after (There's got to be a morning after)
There's got to be a morning after (There's got to be a morning after)
There's got to be a morning after (There's got to be a morning after)
There's got to be a morning after (There's got to be a morning after)
There's got to be a morning after (There's got to be a morning after).

(c) Copyright 1972 by 20th Century Music Corp. & Fox Fanfare Music Inc.
International copyright secured. All rights reserved.

找了許久才找到McGovern 1990年大碟的clip再回味一下, 只有廿多秒. 最失望是, 問了好幾個同事, 和我一樣七十年代出生的大都未看過"The Poseidon Adventure"1972, 只有六十年代的一位說看過, 亦可以哼唱出這首曲給我聽.

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Anonymous said...

do you know where you're going to?

Anonymous said...

我剛剛check過, 你講既呢首歌係1975年電影"Mahagony", 原唱係Diana Ross:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

係咩?! 我都睇過"沖天大火災"幾次, 但印象唔夠"海神號遇險記"深刻. 明珠台今個星期六930又重播呀, 我會錄起佢!
"We may never love like this again", hmm... 無咩印象, 又等我睇?搵唔搵到...
chaxiubao, 我公司D 60/70年代出世既同事都話未睇過the poseidon adventure, 幾掃興, 好似我好老兼係外星人咁!

Anonymous said...

haha, 我一問我家姐佢就哼到俾我聽啦! 我知點唱!!! we may never love like this again....