
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

朋友狗 (注意: 相片可能會引起不安!)

好友(七友中的"保險界女強人")養了兩隻她愛得要命的"小狗", 為了牠們, 她不惜四處找尋合適的家居. 自小住在港島的她, 在加拿大生活了多年, 在那兒她一直沒有機會養狗, 回流後, 她終於可以達成心願, 也甘願為愛犬搬往九龍. 我們一直以為她會養一些眾多姊妹也可以擁抱一下的愛犬, 怎知她品味突出, 對這個品種(喂, 阿姐, 請問它們倆是什麼品種?)情有獨鍾...

牠們倆, 就是Mono(瘦小的那隻八歲)和Juno(肥的那隻, 七月十七日將會四歲!):

Juno with yellow eyes?!

Mono & Juno (from left to right)

Juno having a shower?

為什麼年輕的大那麼多, 你給牠吃什麼? 不要偏心啊!

*想問: 為什麼不是red eye effect, 而是yellow eye既?!

朋友回答: "They are Bulldog- Loyal, strong, protect host, not afraid of enemy. Origin: Great Britain."

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千斤田 said...

quoted from
Red-eye effect - Wikipedia

In many species the tapetum lucidum, a light-reflecting layer behind the retina that improves night vision, intensifies this effect.
This leads to variations in the colour of the reflected light from species to species. Cats, for example, display blue, yellow, pink, or green eyes in flash photographs.

Anonymous said...

huh... interesting!!! thanks for the info!