1. 喜歡坐靠左的位置
2. 一年中看的電影, 一半以上都是一個人去看
3. 每年看一百齣以上, 大部份是電影節
4. 偏愛歐洲片, 尤以法國為主, 也愛意大利電影. 其次是德國, 英國, 和其他; 美國及加拿大片也看
5. 也會留意澳洲及紐西蘭電影
6. 日韓電影較少去戲院或電影節看, 因為較易在港找到影碟
7. 極少邊看電影邊吃東西. 即使電影節趕場也會入場前吃. 電影節如遇著鄰座有人大吃大喝, 我或會出聲勸告... 對, 文化中心, 科學館演講廳, 藝術中心agnes b cinema等地方, 我也遇過吃花生, 薯片, 熱狗等奇人奇事
8. 最高紀錄一天內趕四場
9. 08年的HKIFF, 趕場趕到電影節後輕了三磅
10. 06年開始也在blog上寫電影觀後感, 不過越來越懶寫
11. 中學時和我看戲最多的應該是保險界女強人
12. 第一年看HKIFF是1992年
13. 沒有看1994至96那三年的HKIFF
14. 最近看的港產片是"家有囍事2009"
15. 喜歡的香港導演是王家衛
16. 不多買影碟
17. 看過最長的電影是"The Best of Youth"(燦爛人生), 在家看, 六小時, 分了兩天三次完成. 有機會要看
18. 從不會提早離場, 即使怎樣悶透又不知所謂的電影, 也會死撐到底
19. 很討厭天星碼頭搬了那麼遠, 來往文化中心及大會堂變了mission impossible
20. 盡量不去UA戲院, 很吵
21. 最喜歡AMC (PP)及IFC. BC已越來越不及往年. 太多人吃熱狗又吵
22. 喜歡AMC (PP)的洗手間
23. 讀書時卻愛拍紀錄片, 因為可以one man band
24. 試過在戲院笑到差點脫牙骹... 好像是京華戲院... 好像是周潤發的"龍虎風雲"
25. 記得小時候一家人去看大白鯊, 海運戲院門外有玩具大白鯊買, 三姊妹一人一隻, 我那隻當然是最小的了
uncle ray: 我都唔記得喇, 總之係周潤發一幕喺地鐵嘅戲, 唔知咩事我笑到癲
tessa: 果日去AMC睇家有囍事2009, 有人講兩次好大聲嘅電話添... 睇港產片觀眾係嘈少少... 好似有內地人添.
coffee: :) 所以我地咪有偈傾囉. haha!
我也很討厭天星碼頭搬了那麼遠,去離島和去大會堂都不方便 :(
其實我也寫了電影101的,有興趣可過來看看 :) http://petiteinote.blogspot.com/2008/03/101.html
michelle: 一陣過嚟慢慢睇先 :)
很喜歡妳這一系列的 self-disclosure on a specific topic... ;)
都好想學妳咁寫一個 list 呢! =)
米迦: :) 好多bloggers之前都有寫100系列, 不過我覺得太長, 25就易寫易睇 :)
City of Fire was one of my favorites. The production didn't hold up that well but overall the story was interesting. The '80s wardrobe looks ghastly looking but oddly enough I think Chow's still holds up very well. I wonder who did the wardrobe. OKay it's Bruce Yu according to imdb.com. Chow was in his prime...
I meant City On Fire.
There were really some good scenes through out the movie. The MTR chase was one, the cemetery was another one.
Thanks for sharing this 25. Following are some of my thoughts.
3. wow, 100+ is a lot.
8. Mine was 5 (or may be 6) but I had to look at my schedule to tell you what I saw that day! ha ha. Thats what paying for a TIFF pass did to me!
17. Six hours? Are you kidding. (OK, you are not, I read that blog entry). I think a six hour movies is a mini series. Not a film! I inhaled the 1st and 2nd season of 24 in two continuous sitting but that doesn't make it a 24 hour long film. (P.S. 3 or 4 hours, may be, but 6 hours, oh no)
18. "從不會提早離場, 即使怎樣悶透又不知所謂的電影, 也會死撐到底" Wow, you have determination! I walk out of movies (especially in film fest) if I can be almost certain a movie suck. Why waste time?
Mind you, there was this Netherlands (?) (European for sure) film that I had absolutely no clue of what the hack the film was about for over 80 minutes because of the random and complex plot. I am so glad I stayed because it bought the random plots together so beautifully. But for the rest, I am glad I left the theaters and didn't waste more of my time in the theater.
23. "讀書時卻愛拍紀錄片, 因為可以one man band"
Why stopped making 紀錄片? No money to be made there?
I saw this BBC & NHK co-production doc on TV recently, highly recommended.
(viewing of full doc may be restricted to Canadian IP address)
加燦: if u have time, really should see "the best of youth", it's on of the best films i've seen in my life. i never come out of a film midway, cos i planned to spend those time for it already, should give the filmmaker a chance, and give myself a chance. ;) why stop making documentaries? lazy loh...
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