看glamour一文: "The Perfumes and Fragrances That Turn Men On—and Off", 說哪些香水受男士愛戴, 哪些是no no. 其實也發現turn-off那些都是自己一向不喜歡的... 其實我都是一個男人... :P
1. Clean Scents = Turn-On ~ YES! (agree)
2. Desserts = Turn-Off ~ right, I seldom use the Chocolate Chip Cookie perfume my sis gave me...
3. Woody and Floral = Turn-On ~ not bad though
4. Strong Florals = Turn-Off ~ totally not my cup of tea
5. Spicy Florals = Turn-On ~ oh, this reminds me of one of the Issey Miyake perfumes I had, some said lovin' it, but sometimes I wondered it was a bit too exotic
6. Super Fruity = Turn-Off ~ yup, don't like it
7. Fresh Subtle Citrus = Turn-On ~ I kinda like citrus smell
8. Powdery = Turn-Off ~ oops, my Bvlgari BLV Notte is a bit powdery and I love it so so much! I don't care... been using it for more than a year and will still do
9. The One Scent All Guys Don’t Want You to Wear (what the ex(s) had worn!) ~ 咁煩叫佢食自己啦 (不過我又唔會咁bad taste用啲所謂ex嘅香水囉! :P)
15 Ways To Tell A Guy You Love Him Without Saying the "L" Word
Lingerie: 10 Sexy Styles Inspired by Classic Romance Films (電影中的內衣) ~ 你鍾意邊套? (Out of Africa / Strictly Ballroom / Sense & Sensibility / When Harry Met Sally / Before Sunrise / The Bodyguard (trench coat?!) / The Princess Bride / Gone With The Wind / Annie Hall / The Notebook)
Talk about dessert smell... somebody gave me a 雲呢拿香芬 as a gift...擺左系廳一陣就頂唔順d味道.結果第日即掉。
xavier: vanilla is always better to be eaten w/ cakes or pies... :)
kari: 我香水都多, 不過好多時買到返嚟用幾次又唔鍾意, 所以宜家搵到隻啱嘅味無再係咁買. 人地送親嘅味道都未必啱, 所以寧願叫人唔好買 :)
MUSK = 勁嗅!!!
btw, 傻佬鍾意 Poison, 但我都係覺得勁濃, 唔掂!
imak: 不過聽人好鍾意musk, 無用過. poison太濃啦.
哈哈!!!係呀!!!有一年有人送過一枝estee lauder嘅香水比我,點知原來我鼻敏感受唔到呢陣味,總之一用親就會係咁打乞嚏,所以都幾可惜,因為都幾香咖.....但係而家每年生日呢個人都仲係會繼續送香水比我......但係有時都真係好想自己買返好過用d自己唔喜歡嘅味道嘅香水..........
kari: 我今日又買咗香水啦! :)
kari: 我都無諗過買架, 不過睇到雜誌介紹costume national perfume, 就去咗揀啦! 一陣寫一篇 :)
i am a man too... the only fruity scents that i have are actually all citrus-based.
janice: :) but i am a man who wears perfume everyday. ha!
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