之前都聞說電影受歡迎, 亦知道它是今屆奧斯卡最佳電影候選之一, 而女主角Ellen Page更是最佳女主角候選人. 有一點期望, 沒有失望, 不過不能說它是最佳電影的級數.
喜歡整齣電影都以年青人的POV來描寫, 或許因為剛嬴了最佳劇本的Diablo Cody真的還頗年輕, 今年才三十歲, 描寫美國中學生的心態及性格都很到肉, 很觸動到觀眾. 當然不少得的是一大堆富幽默的對白了.
近年少了看這類青春電影, 有點接近的有我非常喜歡的"Little Miss Sunshine", 不想把此兩片作比較, 況且小小姐精彩多倍.

例如這首Anyone Else But You:
" You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on your back is the latest trend"
還有Velvet Underground的"I'm Sticking with You":
" I'm sticking with you
'Cos I'm made out of glue
Anything that you might do
I'm gonna do too"
很有青春氣息, 又帶點可愛瀾漫.

喜歡Juno(Ellen Page)與好友一起向父親及繼母交代有了身孕的一幕, 既真又攪笑. 另外繼母替Juno在超聲波技術人員面前出一口氣一幕也很不錯.
其實電影都想帶出一個訊息, 就是鼓勵年輕人, 萬一攪大咗都要承擔責任, 事情並非一定如想像中壞吧.
Rotten Tomatoes有強勁的93%!

Michael Cera is another rising star. Even he doesn't have a lot of screen time in Juno, but he really comes through as an awkward teenager at the crossroad of adulthood. I think his breakthrough performance is Superbad which I happen to think is superb.
I expect a little bit more gravitas from Juno as far as teenage pregnancy is concerned but apparently its comedic and rather lighthearted treatment of the ordeal pays off handsomely in both the box office as well as in the award season.
Michael Cera... the bf? hmm... a bit weird. don't like him. anyway, guess the movie is much more popular in the States than here.
Yes, that's the guy. I like how he delivers his line, his comedic timing, essentially his brand of humor.
I know he's no Jude Law, I don't blame you.
Of all the Oscar winners, I only saw this and No Country for Old Men.
LCL: i only saw Juno, Atonement and Michael Clayton.
cosmicrays: right. 原來劇本果位Diablo Cody係stripper出身, 好精彩! 不過佢當然有讀大學, media studies也...
uncle ray: 咁起碼佢無去"落仔"先吖, 電影立場少算係anti-abortion同支持adoption咁囉.
"I am sixteen."Juno選擇了對大家傷害及影響最少的方式,即便她只有16歲.也想用大人的口吻與態度,對待周遭的人,直到養父寧願堅持自己的少年夢,而放棄婚姻.讓她的領養計畫破局,一時也手足無措,情緒潰堤.
志翔: 恭喜你快為人父! 32歲當父親, 這個年頭不太普遍了. 可喜可賀!
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