他是個男的, 多年前曾追求我, 沒有成事. 現在一直都是好朋友.
夢的詳情及畫面不說了... 懷疑可能看了壹仔裡楊小姐的浴照吧... =_=
在網上找到這個Dreamstop網站, 比常用的Dream Moods更仔細. 當然這個即時解夢的方法有多準確見仁見智...
First of all, dreams involving your friends are very common and can be interpreted many ways. They could symbolize emotions and fears you have about that person in the waking hours or they may also be your mind projecting parts of yourself onto an image of your friend so you have an easier time dealing with a problem. In other words, your dream friend may represent your alter ego, or the part of yourself that you keep hidden in your waking life. Ask yourself, what is your friend doing in your dream that you may be repressing in life?
Taking a shower or the image of washing, when it shows up repeatedly in your dreams, almost certainly indicates neurotic guilt-feelings.
:O guilt wor!!!
(word verification: OMGBBK!!!!)
Oh my goodness big big k_____?????
hahahah!!!! hilarious!
karelian: 搵一輪架嘛. :)
some hidden thoughts that are inside your heart have started to show! :)
guess you're recently struggling to make some decisions between A and B (your choices).
cosmicrays: scratching head... 同此男無關吧...
mugen c: 你想玩猜謎?? :)
這篇咁香艷的? 少有!
啊大, 情人節有乜搞作?
uncle ray: 咪就係謎+迷囉... :)
雙子座男人: 我又反而從未發夢生咗個細路噃... 你好想要小朋友?
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