星期六與母親即興跑到港麗酒店(Conrad Hotel) 吃tea buffet, 十分不錯, 感覺上比上一次港島香格里拉酒店的還好! 價錢是$188, AE 咭有八五折.

總括來說, 鹹點比香格里拉酒店的tea buffet多, 甜點則Conrad稍遜, 但也很不錯. 兩間也有chocolate fondue, 都是一些生果如蜜瓜及哈密瓜, Shangri-la則更有士多卑利. 兩間也有crepe/pancake, C更有waffle, 又有簡單壽司和冷麵, S則沒有. S有即煮粉麵, C只有一鍋日式魚蛋煲. C點心選擇多且美觀, 雪糕更是雪糕筒及自助式服務, S則沒有cone, 更是侍應負責. 說到環境和食物種類及質素, 都是Conrad略勝. 我們都認為, 若你不介意要走來走去, 酒店tea buffet一定比酒店high tea化算和"抵食". 喜歡以前Mandarin Oriental的high tea, 比Peninsula的更好, 半島吃tea buffet的地方是大堂(lobby), 一點也不舒適, 灣仔的Renaissance Harbour View high tea 也不錯.
味道如何, 好想去啊 !
tastes really good. more choices than island shangra-la!
Those photoes are of better focus. Got used to macro mode already?
haha... so u r my friend again... yeah, it's easier w/ this camera now... but the camera screen is too small, thought images are in focus, then when put them onto computer, they are out focus! :(
I will try the tea buffet in Conrad later!
yes, it's really good!
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