這篇不是什麼專業的心理分析文章, 只是我無聊的玩意, 半夜玩了一回然後把它放在這兒. 如果你是個專業心理學家, 又或喜歡精神/文字分析, 或許看過可以幫我分析分析.
記得大學一年級上心理學課, 系內牆壁貼著一些招收同學參加心理測驗及研究的告示, 都是給低年級的同學參與, 每成功參與一次, 該學期的心理學科總平均分便可加一分. 那時好奇又貪玩, 一有測驗便踴躍參加, B+也會變A. 當中記得有一些心理測驗時常牽涉white bear白熊, 現在也忘記那白熊在研究中的作用. 測驗中, 參與者在一段時間內寫下一些隨意想到的事件, 東西, 物品, 字句, 然後隨即寫下, 如腦海中出現白熊便寫下, 十分有趣. 或許那是關於cognitive thinking 的研究.
昨晚閱讀完一編從A到Z有關清明節的英文文章後, 便拿起筆玩了這個自創無聊遊戲, 你也可以玩玩. 以下是我在四月十六日凌晨2:00am寫下的:
A rrogant
B rave
C ruel
D ominant
E legant/energetic
F ragrant
G lamour
H ourly/hors d'oeuvres
I gnorant
J erk/jealous
K nickknack/kneel
L enient/Levis
M emories
N ourish
O bedient
P ervert/promise
Q uark Express/quiet
R adiant
S ervant/sentiment
T edious/temperament
U topia
V anessa Bruno
W arrant
X enophobia
Y earn
Z en
u r supposed to be the psychoanalyst, right? shall i write mine so u maybe able to read my mind?!?! :P
no, i am not a professional psychoanalyst, just love it. :) feel free to write something and let's analyse it for fun! :)
ok, let me try to write whatever comes up from my head...
A nyway
B lah blah blah (HA!)
C ell
D amn
E xorcist
F lirt
G ladiator
H ome
J erk
K iller
L oser
M emories
N ina simone
O utrageous
P ity
Q uit
R ome
S aviour
T iffany
U never know!
V acation
W hat the heck?!
X XX (rated)
Y awn
Z zZZz
m i a psycho (i do mean crazy this time)?
btw, do u realize my blog has been moved?
ok give me some time... let me try to "analyse" this for u tmr... :)
p.s. i've been thinking abt where "be li ba la" has gone! so here u are! are u in nyc now?
came back to HK la!!
ok... let me try...
you like freedom, but sometimes need to be in touch. an attractive woman who knows how to "play" in the love field. u like nostalgia and are family-oriented. religion is important to you. :)
ok just for fun cha ha, not professional at all!
hahaaaa... pretty much right... just that i m not the "attractive woman who knows how to play in the love field", in fact i m a dummy in this battlefield.
haha! :)
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