男配角George Clooney就是憑這套電影奪得今屆奧斯卡最佳男配角一獎. 俊朗的他為了此片, 不惜激增三十磅, 連下身也胖了兩個圈.
坦白說, 中東石油問題我認識不深, 亦沒有興趣. 據說這部電影是對布殊一次大迫供. 這麼敏感又政治味重的題材確實不是我杯茶. 電影中最激的一幕應該是George Clooney被暴力虐待, 就如劇中說像法輪功跟隨者被迫害一樣, 十分血腥, 我看得要用手遮眼, 慘不忍睹.

"A bleak and powerful movie, made all the more sobering by how much of it isn't fiction."-- Pete Vonder Haar, FILM THREAT
"this movie could be the one where Clooney finally gets his due. "-- Willie Waffle, WAFFLEMOVIES.COM
"Maybe they should give editor Tim Squyres something - if not an Oscar, then antacid tablets. "-- Phil Villarreal, ARIZONA DAILY STAR
"This is a great film from top to bottom and I can't recommend it more for the thoughtful movie fan. It's a great ensemble piece and a profound reflection of our own scary reality."-- John Venable, SUPERCALA.COM
"Not all of the stories on display here are as relevant or interesting as others."-- Jeff Vice, DESERET NEWS, SALT LAKE CITY
"This is a film that warrants your attention. A potent and intelligent film that informs as well as entertains, Syriana is the starting point for an intense and lengthy conversation."-- Urban Cinefile Critics, URBAN CINEFILE
"This is how agenda filmmaking is supposed to work: respecting its audience enough to stimulate their minds, rather than telling them what to think."-- Rob Vaux, FLIPSIDE MOVIE EMPORIUM
"As he did in Traffic, Gaghan intertwines his disparate subplots with impeccable pacing -- his screenplay is a model of how to arrange scenes so that each one ends leaving you wanting to know more."-- Ken Tucker, NEW YORK MAGAZINE
"[Syriana] fulfils all the key criteria of a decent political thriller - it'll make you angry, it'll make you think and it'll scare the hell out of you."-- Matthew Turner, VIEWLONDON
"Its narrative becomes clear enough in time, and along the way it gives the viewer the delightfully unfamiliar feeling (in prefab Hollywood) of being completely off balance."-- Gary Thompson, PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS
"Overly ambitious and too complicated."-- Betty Jo Tucker, REELTALK MOVIE REVIEWS
"Seldom have form, content and cultural sensibility been so excitably aligned as in this fascinating, exasperating film about the unholy marriage of power politics and global business."-- Ella Taylor, L.A. WEEKLY
"Admirably serious but untidy, excessively schematic and more than slightly self-important...its higher ambition is enough to make it mildly recommendable."-- Frank Swietek, ONE GUY'S OPINION
"Didactic and muddled to the point of incoherence."-- Nicholas Schager, NICK SCHAGER FILM PROJECT
"A well-meaning, yet meandering and confusing political thriller."-- Collin Souter, EFILMCRITIC.COM
Courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes.
感覺(及悶的程度)和 「Traffic」一樣。當年我慕名買了 「Traffic」 的 DVD 在家看,看到三份一便睡著了。我相信「Syriana」也會是一樣,因為是同一位編劇 Stephen Gaghan 寫的,style 也不會相距太遠。
ha, i have two "traffic" dvd at home! (one of them was a give-away) but i haven't seen it yet... thought it was very good. sigh... too many boring dialogues.
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