
Friday, March 24, 2006

Rice made 飯 tastic!

外面下著雨, 本想老遠跑到我很喜歡的日本料理吃個三文魚及魚子碗飯的念頭也要打消, 於是就在附近的老麥買了個牛肉飯tastic.

上個月在新加坡已見有這個rice burger, 但由於星洲太多美食, 沒有嘗試. 記得他們的口號是:"Rice Made Fan-Tastic!". 味道還可以, 但沒有想像中好吃. 還是在夏威夷吃過的Mos Burger可口(新加坡也有分店). 我不是老麥fans, 但每逢有新出品, 我都會買來試試. 近期比較喜歡板燒雞腿飽, 吃過四五次. 這個牛肉飯tastic, 我未必會再吃. 或許會試試雞味的.

今天的午餐, 當然還有我十分喜歡的小咖啡店的咖啡. 自從公司附近開了這間咖啡店, 我已甚少幫襯星巴克了. $18便有一杯比星記更可口的tall size咖啡, 又怎會再找Starbucks? 店員給我的印章咭我已印了廿個, 免費送過兩次咖啡(今天是第二次), 又記得我貴姓, 十分親切. 今天這杯是坦桑尼亞咖啡, hmm, yummy!


aulina said...

I am extremely anti-Starbucks.

1. 不喜歡美式咖啡,真的很難喝!那種加flavours勁加奶勁加spice的咖啡跟台式珍珠奶茶真的沒兩樣(我比較喜歡珍珠奶茶,起碼比較便宜)。

2. 不喜歡它的projected image。路過lift lobby看到手袋黨一族左手挽LV友手拿Starbucks然後等人幫她們按lift button很眼冤。我甚致覺得是有demean女人之嫌。



imak said...

i am a starbucks fan cause it is already the best coffee i can get around this area (kwai fong!!).

i jz had chicken 飯tastic for lunch. think it's quite a different way to eat rice. just the chicken is too oily. overall it's not bad though!!

mad dog said...

aulina: goodness, i once held an LV and pressed the lift button while holding a starbucks decaf mocha too... :( hahah...i also like bbubble tea, esp. 疆母奶茶加珍珠. yeah, agree... HK people... a lot of people own a 2nd-hand porche while still living in public estates (no offensive... this is true).
ur son was sick after eating the burger? oh, what am i gonna do... i get 肚瀉 easily... :(

ak: ha, viewed ur blog, so that 鄰家blog友is me, right? :P i like木村too, i watched "long vacation" 7 times! brad pitt is not bad... but i like johnny depp more. daniel ng is good too... but yet i think carl ng is better! ha!
will u try it again?

aulina said...

don't worry about the image of hangbag + cafe latte - I did the same (only with a slightly better coffee brand and a much more cheaper no-brand bag)

It was actually my dorminantly male colleagues' look that made me realize how bad I look doing so.

I can tell right there that they were thinking: so now you're not senior management, why can you afford a 40 dollar coffee for breakfast?!?!?

I stopped buying expensive cups from then on and restrained my love of coffee at home.

Honestly, Starbucks are over-priced. Try using 40 dollars to get some really good grade beans and get a full litre of 十字奶, you are guaranteed a much more better coffee experience! :D

mad dog said...

aulina: yes. a colleague recommended me to this new small coffee shop (actually it's a little store w/ 2 seats) cos' she is also anti-starbucks. she said she want to support these small shops so that they can survive and we don't have to go to 星記.

imak said...

heeheee.... yes yes... u r the 鄰家blog友!! that shows my support to ur blog~~~~ :P

hmm.... i like johnny depp too. edward scissorhand is one of my favorite movie. just that again he is too forward most of the time. and his feature is too fine (just like jude law and anthony wong!).

mad dog said...

ha, then maybe i like guys with fine features. :) and a little bit feminine...

貓奴MAY said...


mad dog said...

畢滿: 我怕貓的原因至今未明. 應該是typical phobia. 大學時曾好奇跑去找behavioral therapist, consulted過兩次sessions, 開頭以為有好轉, 但其實沒有. according to psychological theories, 我小時候可能被貓嚇倒, 但一直無問題, 直到十二三歲(typical phobias 通常都在十二三歲開始有跡象)便開始驚貓. 小六時還與同學們玩學校的黑貓, 中一與家人去馬來西亞遊玩, 就在檳城被酒家一隻貓嚇得魂飛魄散. 自此之後, 它就成了我的眼中釘. 帶來極之不便. 試過在雲吞麵店未吃時(麵已送上), 見到有一隻貓從後門走進來, 我要連忙"逃亡", 錢也沒有付, 店員追著我出來! 要說有關我的"逃貓"事件, 看來要數篇文章也未能完整交代...