
Tuesday, March 21, 2006


一向不愛數字遊戲, 數學更是自小五開始便討厭的科目, 因為它令我不再名列前茅. 所以每當和朋友一起上餐廳, 結帳後AA制時, 我一定不會理會各人要付的數目是怎樣計算出來. 當然近半年愛上的數獨遊戲除外. 但說到記日子, 我想都是大部份女性的強項, 多數男士都要讓步.

我敢說我的記性是頗不錯的, 當然不能和那些背字典背萬年曆的狂人, 背藥名的藥劑師等相比. 除了家人親戚那些生日之外, 數數手指, 我隨時可以說出數十個朋友的生日日子出來. 即使是那些十年沒有見面, 又或兩三年才見一次面的也記得清清楚楚. 所以讀書時看無記的"新紮師兄"及之後數十齣警察電視劇, 以及其後的Agatha Christie電影, 令我曾一度想好好運用我的好記性, 立志做個女警又或到廉署做調查工作.

除了日子外, 我也很愛記個人的銀行戶口號碼及各信用咭號碼. 十多位數字完全難不到我. 但每次放完大假或外遊一段日子, 都要花點時間才記得這些重要數字. 曾經想, 若不幸一天失憶, 那會帶給我極大的麻煩. 記性好亦容許我不同電郵用不同密碼, 朋友都說我瘋.

擁有強的記日子和記數字能力好處頗多, 如半夜上的士可以馬上記著車牌號碼, 以防萬一; 失掉錢包可以馬上報失並記起所有信用咭號碼; 沒有記錄在我手電上的不受歡迎人物的電話我可以不接; 朋友的生日通常都不會忘記, 最少也send個sms給人. 還有就是我完全升任做個有力的証人.



Anonymous said...

我的?性好象只?于文字性的特?好,?字么,我信用卡的??一?也?不得的。特?糟糕的是,每一次上网去查??,每一次都是以?不得password而宣告失?的。所以像你??不同的email, 不同的password, 我一定?掉。。。

TCA said...


Unknown said...

I think there is a difference between the memory (and power) of left and right brain. For me, I could remember lots of pictures, but not text and numbers. For my wife, she could remember all the text and names and numbers but not the picture. So, when we remember a car from a friend, she remember the license plate, and I remember the color and the look.

During teaching, I could recognize around 200 of my students face after the first 2 classes, but I still can't remember their names when the semester has almost finished.

mad dog said...

elf (by chance): so u better use the same password in all transactions and emails. :)
哮廊: that's the excuse for guys...
五師兄: wow, sounds interesting. recognise 200 students' faces after 2 classes but not their names? u and ur wife are made for each other!

Unknown said...

yes, we always said that too (about how we are made for each other).

Another incidence is when I play video game title “NBA”with her, I said to her that her that skinny black guy with yellow shoes is good, and she said who the hell is he? And then after awhile she said I like to shot the ball with the “Number 8” guy. And after awhile when I realize who is that “Number 8”, and I said to her “that’s the skinny black guy I was talking about”…..

mad dog said...

ha, how interesting... for video games and football matches, i guess i will recognise their faces too, esp. handsome players like beckham and owen.

Anonymous said...

sorry, i failed to remember my link correctly again. ai.. seems i need a brain-trainning cource. hehe...