"戀愛對象存在的價值: 重點不在對方是否在身邊, 而是其存在的本身已經是你的福氣, 讓你活得更積極更有意義."
"心亂時, 學習轉化能量, 感謝對方讓你有掛念和愛慕的機會和勇氣."
對. 有這樣的一個對象存在本身已是一種幸福.
(2) 在網上看到一段:
"The best way to get the inspiration you need in your work life, love life, or in your personal growth is to watch someone who is living the life you think you want, in action. Learning more about how they do what they do will either provide you with a useful blueprint, or help you see that maybe that's not the path you really want to go down after all."
觀察他人的生活作藍圖, 可能會發現, 其實自己一直想過的生活究竟是什麼一回事... 又或, 其實根本不是真的想那樣.
(3) 剛看了一會吳宣倫博士說到反對胚胎幹細胞, 提到聖經一段:
"風從何道來,骨頭在懷孕婦人的胎中如何長成,你尚且不得知道;這樣,行萬事之 神的作為,你更不得知道。"(傳道書11: 5)
(1) That's just cold comfort. It's like telling your kid, Daddy will be gone, but my love will always stays in your heart, forever. It sounds awfully romantic and touching, but it really doesn't do any good. I guess it helps emotionally if the kid is young and Dad is gone for good, like dead.
(2) That's why biography sells I suppose. We can always find somebody to look up to but ultimately it's always you and yourself that live your own life, there's no stunt double to live it for you. I guess it's good and bad.
(3) If God wanted us to fly he would have given us wings. Apparently the Wright brothers didn't quite buy it.
Just my rant and opinion.
Thank you for sharing yours.
呢個concept對long d關係更加啱用。
1/ cold comfort... sort of, but it's so true.
2/ but biography is sth that we read, really knowing that kind of persons in real life is a bit different right?
3/ maybe wings just can't compare with our brains and ability to love?
小蓓: long distance, 起碼都有指望.
uncle ray: 這個當然了.
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