"Stranger Than Fiction"是一個關於小說作者與小說中虛構人物遇見的故事.
戲份最多是Will Ferrell及Maggie Gyllenhaal, 其次是Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman最少, 而Queen Latifah只是配角.
電影開首的女聲旁白忽然變了是男主角Harold Crick(Will Ferrell)聽到的聲音, 而且和他互動, 十分有趣.
不過或許電影開首太有心思, 後段便相映變得不夠精彩.
電影劇本及橋段有新意, 但比預期中遜色.
這回終於對女演員Maggie Gyllenhaal另眼相看. 以往看過她的演出多次, 當中包括近期的"World Trade Center"及"Paris, I Love You", 都不喜歡她, 沒有吸引人的外表, 演技又普通. 這趟她飾演讀哈佛法律系卻退學並以造餅為生的Ana Pascal, 也是任職稅務人員Harold Crick要調查的對象. Gyllenhaal完全脫胎換骨, 把Ana演活了, 頗出色.
Emma Thompson飾演有writer's block的隱蔽作家Karen Eiffel, 到醫院去找瀕死的病人來找靈感, 卻原來每一本著作都把主角殺死. 她問助手Penny(Queen Latifah)有沒有想過跳樓, Penny說從來沒有, Eiffel說沒有可能, 每一個人都必曾想過跳樓, 這個我也相信.
電影其中最搞笑一段是當Harold Crick知道自己是Karen Eiffel的小說中的主角而又必須要死時, 他問文學教授Professor Hilbert(Dustin Hoffman)有什麼對策時, 教授竟說他一定要死, 因為這將會是Eiffel最出色的一本著作, 而他的一死會很有詩意.
綜觀各演員都演得十分好, 加上精彩的對白, 是一齣很有娛樂性的電影, 不過我覺得可以更好.
電影最後提到我們要懂得欣賞生活中的細微又有心思的東西, 如Harold Crick送了Space Camp的課程給同事, Penny送了戒煙的用品給Karen Eiffel, 小心意如熱烘烘的曲奇餅, 正如Ana捨棄哈佛法律學位跑去整餅, 因為她覺得這樣她才可以令世界更美好.
導演Marc Forster前作有"Finding Neverland"(2004)"及"Monster's Ball"(2001), 他生於德國, 成長於瑞士, 九十年代初到紐約讀電影.
IMDB連結: Stranger Than Fiction
Rotten Tomatoes有74%好評.
有Emma Thompson﹐有Dustin Hoffman﹐是大卡士了。Will Ferrell第一次拍這種劇情片﹐也算是稱職。可惜這齣戲的票房不行呢。
我昨晚在家看 007 DVD 也有這片頭。看落像幾吸引。但如結局太爛就不好了!
he lost his watch, but a part of it still lives in his arm =)
love this double meaning
正呀!!! Stranger than Fiction 上次已經睇左。 Maggie Gyllenhaal 的戲最搶鏡﹐這裡是我的
REVIEW ﹐o騎o騎o騎!
"To my surprise Maggie Gyllenhaal only appeared in very few scenes but she really lighted up the movie, she can be candidate for best supporting actress in many prize nominations. Before ending I must point out the director Marc Forster was the main reason that attracted me to see this movie. He has had several serious movies in the past and reportedly he won the job among
some 20 or more directors"
這個我想我等HBO好了,鍾意Emma Thompson而唔係好想睇Will Ferrell,都會睇得幾辛苦。
今次是一個完全不同的 WIL FERRREL , 唔同晒架!!!
Emma Thompson 好少戲﹐同Dustin Hoffman 一樣都是客串﹐Maggie Gyllenhaal 都其實是配角﹐
亞 WIL 一個人帶到尾。
我覺得全片最大問題是﹐原本 Emma Thompson 寫 Will 死去的結局﹐也不是甚麼迴腸蕩氣的小說嘛﹐對白裡面將那小說稿讚得太勁﹐但回想一想她那小說的內容﹐就真係一點都不能令人信服。
Stannum: 我好同意呀﹐那時Dustin Hoffman講到話個結局點勁﹐講到成個故事係個masterpiece咁﹐又話will ferrell一定要為文學犧牲。但係最後知道個結局時真係好失望﹐如果will ferrell真係為左一本咁既書犧牲左就真係唔抵啦!!!
冬冬: 所以rottentomatoes都有74%算佢好彩啦.
五師兄: 都可以一睇, 不過唔好太大期望就OK.
嬲記三文治: interesting though.
inner space: 你都咁快睇左? yes, i am quite surprised by maggie gyllenhaal, she in fact looks quite charm in the film.
aulina: 我都係好怕will ferrell, 不過諗住有dustin hoffman同劇本搭救嘛. 都可以睇睇, 有D人好鍾意, 各花入各眼.
stannum: exactly! eiffel本小說都唔見得係有咩睇頭, 呢度唔夠說服力.
冬冬: 返左屋企拿? 仲以為你響意大利寫blog添! :)
已刊登於筆記連線, link如下: http://www.hkifflink.net/2007/04/10/1189/ 繼續努力, 繼續努力......^____^""""
希望沒有問題, thanks!
i never liked will ferrell, he might be hilarious, funny, watever he's bit overacted most of the time. so i preferably avoid his movie, yet passing the cover time over time i couldn't resist the title of the movie n bought it home.
this will ferrell changed my pov. the concept of the movie's quite exceptional, yet if he dies as kate planned i guess it's a more poetic ending...
i love being john malkovich, adaption, eternal sunshine of a spotless mind... but this movie's not quite there yet...though i dig it.
n can't erase dustin hoffman's expression when telling ferrell he should die ... just brilliant
and i think casting maggie gyllenhaal was wise, how often in real life, the leading man and woman r both pretty, eye-catching in appearence. like a fd said... not everyone having a pretty boyfriend... and it's true... haha
peg peg: yes, i never liked will ferrell too. but this time he is less disgusting. :P i forget john malkovich (have vcd at home)i like eternal sunshine of a spotless mind more than adaption and this one.
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