Wednesday, March 29, 2006
今早上班, 一坐在車上, 立時發現忘記帶手提電話, 煩惱的感覺只是一瞬間, 隨之而來的是一份樂得清靜的舒暢心情.
昨天電話響個不停, 煩得我在公司發脾氣, 小妹妹見狀也連忙安慰, 叫我"飛線"返回公司. 沒有這樣做, 因為只會更煩. 於是校了靜音, 把手電放在一旁, 它便乖乖的沒有再響, 也沒有人再找我.
或許今天是潛意式不想帶它上班吧, 就讓它睡在床前, 好好的休息一整天, 也讓我清靜一整天.
城市人一天沒有手提電話好像沒有梳頭出外一樣, 令人渾身不自在. 我絕少會忘記帶電話上街, 一年最多一次. 上一次忘記帶手電是上年四月初. 一個週六早上, 不用上班, 獨自跑去看電影節, 本來不是大問題. 但事情永遠是人算不如天算, 在海外的上司找了我一整個上午, 幸而我有分寸打了電話回家告知沒有手電, 老公及家人幫了我一大忙. 原來教宗若望保祿二世垂危, 上司想我週日上班stand-by. 在金鐘原來要找一個公眾電話一點也不容易. 加上沙士後我患上嚴重潔癖, 要用公眾電話, 真是比死更難受. 又幸而記性好, 長長的電話咭號碼及密碼又馬上記得到, 隨即打個長途電話給上司. 怎知又聯絡不上, 只得個電話錄音留言, 氣死的一個早上. 最後, 友善的Dan Ryan餐廳借電話給我用, 終於聯絡到老闆, 挽回我一向做事有分寸的好紀錄. 用了數次公眾電話, 也用了數次消毒紙巾清潔耳朵!
今天應該沒有那樣的難料情況出現吧. 要找我又或急事, 都必定是熟悉我又知道我公司電話的人, 所以, 太好了, 今天我要一個清靜安逸的星期三, 不要煩我! 還有, 我要吃一個清靜美味的午餐!
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I know. I had the same feeling two weeks ago. So annoyed during the day when I don't have my phone with me. Then when I got home I so eager to check the missed call immediately. Then I found that I missed zero call. So disappointed.
After that, I don't care about my mobile anymore. I actually gave my good Bluetooth (Platonics 640) to my wife, because I realize that I don't really talk with the mobile that much. It was only my wrong impression telling me that I need my mobile around me. In fact, it's ok if I actually live without it. What a relief.
yeah, esp. during vacation in areas not using GSM like japan and skorea. like the feeling of nothing to care about. when i went out to lunch today, i told my colleagues that i forget to bring my mobile phone today, and i said, "well, i don't care." and then left. :)
rossi, yes, unbelievable right! :) i am really glad this memory power helps me a lot. but hope i can only remember good and useful things but not bad memories and harmful feelings.
yep, u r right
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