
Monday, March 20, 2006


上星期柯士甸道的警員槍擊事件, 看到殉職警員的家屬在事發現場呼天搶地的片段, 無不心傷. 對比, 疑兇的妻子及家人, 哀痛和震驚又怎會比殉職警員家屬的少? 兩個三十來歲的女子, 大家都為人母, 都是喪夫, 都要面對獨力撫養孩子的前路. 其實, 疑兇的妻子所要面對的, 可能更難以令人理解, 因為她未必會得到應有的憐憫.

這個妻子要面對的, 令我回想起1999年在美國Colorado州Littleton的Columbine校園槍擊案中兩個學生殺手的父母. Eric Harris及Dylan Klebold, 分別十八及十七歲, 於1999年四月二十日在校內槍殺了十二名師生, 令全國甚至全球震驚. 人人都為無辜被殺的學生父母傷心和同情, 但又多少會同情Harris及Klebold的父母及家人? 他們的下半生怎樣面對人們的眼光? 據報道, 這四名父母更要面對被殺同學父母的起訴.

徐步高的妻子究竟知道的有多少? 她怎樣和女兒解釋父親的死? 她們日後要走的路既長且崎嶇, 又有多少朋友會了解及體諒? 殉職警員的兒子可以告訴他人, 父親是英雄, 壯烈犧牲, 葬於浩園. 徐小女孩的父親被人稱作"魔鬼警察", 她的一生又會如何?

此刻, 只希望逝世的人都得安息, 痛失至愛的得到安慰和心靈得到醫治.


Unknown said...

As a reader of the “fiction”, I hope to see a more dramatic ending, for example the truth is that the two policemen were in fact the bad guys, and they framed 徐步高 as the suspects. Or, 徐步高 is really 無間道 and was sent in the police force for special purpose. Or, some years later徐步高’s daughter become a fighter and seek for revenge of his father. Or 徐步高 was hired by the government to do something to distract people from the KCRC incident… … I don’t have to be too creative, because when I read Apple Daily or other news, I already feel like reading this kind of things.

As a reader of the real “news”, I hope the press would really concern about the family of徐步高, concern about how this would happen and not to happen again, and concern how not to call徐步高「魔鬼警察」 anymore. At the end, if I have the choice, I hope this has never happened. After all, I am reading a news not a fiction.

mad dog said...

have to read today's newspapers. for the past few days, police and media presented different versions. some said just for the gun, some said he knew both dead policemen, leung and tsang.

aulina said...




mad dog said...

aulina: totally agree. but the topic will go on... and might even become a theme/plot on the big screen.