
Monday, March 27, 2006


從沒打算看"案內人"(Inside Man)這齣電影, 都是因為"Capote"及"Walk the Line"放映的場數少, 在沒有選擇的情況下, 看了此片. 得悉是Spike Lee的電影, 還有Denzel Washington加Jodie Foster, 應該不會差得去哪裡.

電影開首十分吸引, 節奏緊湊, 片首的音樂不錯, 有些印度feel, Clive Owen最擅長演這些詭秘狡猾的角色. 銀行劫案, 脅持人質, 納粹戰爭罪行等, 本是很好的題材, 加上星級演員, 又是名導演Spike Lee的作品, 電影的上半部確實很具震撼力. 脅持人質和警方對峙的片段原來差不多是影片的全部. 電影的虎頭蛇尾就像"Flight Plan"一片那樣, 欠缺說服力的結局, 最後令觀眾大為失望.

劫匪的精心部署, 令人佩服導演的細膩技巧, 脅持的人質都被勒令穿上和劫匪一樣的服飾和面罩, 令警方分不清誰是賊誰是人質, 一度令觀眾緊張又期待.

Jodie Foster的介入, 更令人有所期待, 但出色的演技未能得到發揮.

Denzel Washington 當然能夠獨當一面, 但影片後段的弱力, 也令他失色.

電影最後所有劫匪及人質都獲釋, 未免有點牽強, 明明知道當中四人是劫匪, 怎麼可以人人獲釋.



Unknown said...

after reading a few comments (including yours), I have decided not to watch this movie (or at least not to watch it in cinema).

So, could you tell me the ending (perhaps by email if you don't want to spoil it in your site?)

mad dog said...

ok, whoever plans to see this movie, please do not read the following:
at the end, all captors and the hostages were released. all these people underwent interrogations individually, and these shots were intercut in the movie, in between the negotiation and standoff footages. the captors' motives are not about money but the war crime evidence of the founder/owner of the bank. they left the huge diamond ring inside the safe box for denzel washington. audience is not convinced as no people was detained.

Unknown said...

The “they” in the “they left a huge ring…” means the captors or the bank owner? And the captors made all these actions to dig out the diamond and pass it to Washington? And you mean at the end of the movie they simply just release everybody knowing that there are 5 captors among those hostages? But what is the role of Foster then?

mad dog said...

the captors left the ring inside the box. they want the whole world know the truth and the horrible things that the banker did during WWII. jodie foster is a wall street financier. the banker approached her to ask for her help in the negotiation. he thought the captors want money, and he wanted jodie to make sure the safe box is saved.
and yes, even though everyone knows among the 50+ people in the standoff, 4 of them were captors, still, no one was detained/arrested! how stupid.