
Wednesday, March 22, 2006


今年是心理學家佛洛伊德的一百五十周年誕辰, 即使他的精神分析學說(psychoanalysis) 受多方批評及置疑其科學理據, 但直至今時今日, 我們仍然受他及其理論影響.

其實一般人對心理學及心理學家都或多或少加上一定的標籤(stereotype). 美國導演Woody Allen更常拿Sigmund Freud(佛洛伊德)及精神分析學家常用的床/長椅來開玩笑. 記得他連螞蟻也不放過, 看過"Antz"動畫的一幕, 蟻哥正接受心理醫生的精神分析治療, 令人啼笑皆非. 個人很欣賞佛洛伊德, 他甚至可稱為我的偶像, 亦是令我決定多選讀一個主修科--心理學,的原因之一. Woody Allen也是我欣賞的荷李活導演, 也許是相輔相成.

佛洛伊德最令人嘆為觀止的理論有Psychoanalysis; The Electra Complex: Penis Envy (Oedipex Rex); Preconscious, Conscious, Unconscious; Id, Ego, and Superego; 還有對夢的分析. 他特別著重童年對人心理的影響. 雖然某些學說沒有科學根據, 違反了心理學作為科學的原則, 但眾多心理學家其實都受Sigmund Freud的影響.

以下是受佛洛伊德影響的心理學家及他們的學說(資料來源 - Newsweek March 27):

Analytical Psychology - Carl Jung; Mythology - Joseph Campbell

Individual Psychology - Alfred Adler; Humanistic - Carl Rogers; Gestalt Therapy; Psychodrama - J. L. Moreno; Interpersonal Psychotherapy - Harry Stack Sullivan; Group Therapy

Active Therapy - Sandor Ferenczi; Birth Trauma - Otto Rank; Social Psychoanalysis - Karen Horney; Self Psychology - Heniz Kohut; Psychoanalytic Feminism - Nancy Chodorow

Behaviorism - John Watson; Stimulus & Response - B. F. Skinner; Behavioral Therapy; Cognitive Therapy; Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - Aaron Beck; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Rational Living Therapy

Modern Freudian Psychoanalysis - Anna Freud (his daughter); Psychodynamic Psychotherapy - Peter Fonagy; Psychodynamic Developmental Therapy


20%的美國人曾接受心理治療; 只有4%仍接受治療; 20%曾用藥物治療抑鬱症(depression)或焦慮症(anxiety)


當問到"你認為夢境可以反映潛意式的慾望嗎"時, 43%答同意, 40%答不同意, 17%答不知道


TCA said...


Anonymous said...

haha, Freud is the psychologist whom i admire most. I told my friend this morning that I reviewed his theory last night till 3am---in memory of his death. My major in undergraduate is Psychology. :P

Anonymous said...

Freud 的確是個不可多得的大師。

mad dog said...

yes, he liked to relate things to sexual organs. interested in pencil-shaped things is regarded as sexual desire.

TCA said...

hang on, i have very little knowledge in this, why Freud's work is still important in modern world?
Is it because he setup the foundation and methods for modern psycologist?
what about Carl Jong?

mad dog said...

carl jung is very important too. but freudian theories still have effects on everyone of us even now.