
Thursday, March 13, 2008


A: 取易捨難呀, 識嘛? C咁難追, 又騎呢, 都唔知佢想點, D啦, 佢好似好鍾意你噃!
B: D? 唔... no lah!

A: 點解啫? 揀個容易嘅先, 當rehearsal囉!
B: 咁都得? D... 唔. 我只會揀C, 因為佢令我心跳. D無.

A: 心跳? 咁你要話俾C聽啦!
B: 啊, 好呀...


laichungleung said...

to A: don't play with other's feelings. Life is not a rehearsal. Don't play games with love.

to B: you are doing the right thing. Do what's right not what's easy or easier.

I see why you don't know about the tang wei ban because you are too busy with your hair and YSL....

What happened to your cutie pie picture? it was a nice picture. Anyway, do whatever you please. that's a nice picture. You probably broke some hearts growing up.

Anonymous said...

do u still have heart beating feeling towards your husband?

Anonymous said...

如果B有機會同C約會的話, 而B又sense到C係對佢有好感, 我就提議B臨走是送個Goodbye Kiss給C以表心意。 不`過當然要去多幾次街先啦。

Anonymous said...

如果我好餓 我都會去樓下茶餐廳先食客燒鵝瀨

mad dog said...

LCL: hahah. :) good input! isn't life just nice to me if all i bother is just hair and YSL? cutie pie? u mean twitter? i broke hearts? i have a broken heart too, somehow. :)

sam: why do i have to tell u??? :)

karelian: 不論B是男是女你都提議佢咁做?

eeeason: 咁就要睇你點睇飲食與愛情啦.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you! Uncle Ray

mad dog said...

uncle ray: 相信好多人都寧願揀個自己鍾意嘅多啲. 唔係咩?

Anonymous said...

其實都可以既, 我個人認為, 喜歡一個人,最後做唔成情侶係一件痛苦既事.別人可能會怕咁樣做會嚇走人,連朋友都無得做。不過如果我係B, 我寧願同C的關係清晰一點,得就得唔得就算,日後唔見就唔見啦,對方都唔鐘意我~ 費是拖拉, 費是成日日思夜想~咁樣好易會有精神病架~ :)