
Thursday, March 06, 2008


或許大家都聽聞過不少類似的另類化妝/護膚品, 既天然健康又實惠.

Real Simple有以下的介紹, 或許適合大家.

1. Conditioner - use mashed avocado, whole milk, or mayonnaise
不過頗費功夫, 未必人人願意"攪一輪"來護髮

2. Mascara - use petroleum jelly
A little Vaseline dabbed on your lashes with your fingertip will define them and help them glisten and catch the light.

3. Foundation - use loose powder or concealer mixed with moisturizer
又係花時間... 坊間咁多好嘅粉底, 為乜攪咁多? 粉底貴極Chantecaille都係五百多六百啫, 有排用...

4. Shaving gel - use hair conditioner
呢個可以考慮, 因為邊有咁多毛剃?!??!

5. Defrizzer - use hand or body lotion, face moisturizer, or lip balm
Any product that contains an emollient will tame flyaways. To avoid an oil-slick look, rub a drop between your hands first, then smooth it lightly over your hair.
6. Lipstick - use blush
Cream or powder blush dabbed on lips with a finger creates a soft, sensual look.
相信大部份女士都寧願用lipgloss, 除非唔記得帶出街

7. Eye shadow - use bronzer
Use a cotton swab to dust it just along the creases of your eyes and under the lower lashes
可以考慮, 不過我少用

8. Hair spray - use styling gel
Wet your hands lightly with a little gel, shape your hair the way you want it, then air-dry to lock the style in place.
我用hair cream/wax, 唔啱我

9. Cuticle cream - use oil
"It's really just the fact that you're putting on something oily to hold in water and moisture that matters."
其實我連cuticle cream都買咗懶用, 用油係咪好油呢?

10. Concealer - use the thick residue left in the rings around the top of a foundation bottle
11. Eyeliner - use eye shadow
Dampen an eyeliner brush with water, dip it in blue or brown eye shadow, and drag the brush along your upper lashes. OR mascara.
Eyeliner要啱用又要用得慣, 我多年來都係用一個牌子, 唔會試太多

12. Foot cream - use petroleum jelly
To soften serious calluses, apply a thick coat and slip on a pair of cotton socks before bed.


愛美 said...

我一向都係用eye shadow做Eyeliner的

nikita said...

No 1 其實有不少人都知,不過真係未必會咁做囉。

No 2 我有聽過,係睇Allure 講如何在一夜情翌晨唔會走晒樣嚇親人。

No. 5 rub 髮尾都夠啦,成頭都係咪好"笠"!?

No. 6 又係睇Allure 學,不過個化妝師話唔好亂用,話化妝品的化學成份按皮膚部位有唔同配搭,有些部位要多油滋潤,有部位就唔需要,所以唔好亂搽。

mad dog said...

愛美: 係呀? 我用eyeliner, 反而少用eye shadow.

nikita: 1/ 係, 不過超煩 2/ ONS hhahaha! 5/ 非常同意 6/ 我係驚敏感變豬嘴多啲囉.

imak said...

2. mascara 要又增長又濃密, 區區 petroleum jelly 點掂呀?!

3. 不如用 tinted moisturizer or 依家網上很流行的 bb cream la!

5. 我有試過, ok wor! 趕時間到唔記得gel 頭返工, 直髮防毛躁很 work!

其餘除了hair spray 和 shaving gel 外, 其他都有點多餘, 如明明有eye shadow 唔用, 叫你去用bronzer, 跟住又叫你用eye shadow 取代 eye liner.

Anonymous said...

imak: 2/ 咁又係. 不過叫做hold到吓. 3/ 我從無用過tinted moisturizer... 因為驚太薄, 搽咗等如無. "其他都有點多餘"都幾架...