旅程中吃了多餐, 貼貼一些較難忘的吧.
這間Uno Chicago Grill其實以前好像只去過一次, 就是畢業返港前友人們和我慶生時吃過的, 這次既然路經, 就來吃回來的第一餐吧!

第一天早餐, 來了State Street的Sunroom Cafe, 以為是新開的餐廳, 鬼妹友人說一直都在這裡的! 怎麼我從沒來過?

很味美的steak sandwich at Nitty Gritty, Madison, WI, 包中有兩大塊牛扒!

和教授David Bordwell到Wasabi吃午餐, 地點是我揀的. 大學時常和友人們來吃壽司, 那時覺得非常味美, 現在香港那麼多美食, 這次回來再吃, 其實味道只是OK. :) 教授揀了個bento.

回來三藩市, 友人帶我來這間位於Redwood City的龍蝦店
Old Port Lobster Shack. 看看網上的
menu, chowder叫Chowdahs. 好好好味呀.

一個人吃了一隻Steamed Maine Lobster, 有coleslaw和fries, 還有牛油點來吃:

友人的Shack Crab Club:

好友放假的一天, 約了我吃午餐, 是Macy's頂樓的Cheesecake Factory. 數年前在夏威夷吃過一次. 這天我倆都揀了grilled salmon, 錯選了飯作配菜, 真悶... :) 甜品叫了一個key lime pie cheesecake兩份吃, 傾心事傾得興起沒有拍照:

Kristie熱情款待, 再一次多謝! 工作繁忙的Kristie晚上8:30pm來找我, 去了Japan Town吃晚飯. 雖然食店是米芝蓮推介, 我倆都覺得食物一般.

之後來到意大利區吃甜品, 很喜歡這種甜品店, 在紐約時去過也很喜歡. Kristie還帶我遊車河, 晚上11時多才返酒店, 感激萬分! :)

住在San Francisco downtown的酒店, 附近便有24小時的Denny's. 所以兩天都來吃早餐, 非常巨型的美式早餐. 讀大學時很少會吃這麼大份的早餐, 不然肯定更更更肥(其實那時已肥!)

Check out的早上再吃:

在Powell Street近cable car總站的Sears Fine Food, 有人sms我叫我來, 說食物不錯. 搭完cable car便來吃午餐.

餐廳內及食物種類類似Dan Ryan's, 價錢非常相宜. 一個New York Steak只是$16USD多一點. 還有自家製的pancake flour買, $6-$7USD一包, 買了回來給姐姐, 等她整給我吃!

來三藩市其中一件感動事情, 就是起行前成功找到沒有見面十二年的好友. 一直都是靠電郵聯絡, 近年少了他的音訊, 差點連電郵也找不到他. 這次可以見面, 差點流下眼淚!
這晚來到North Beach意大利區吃飯, 還有live music.

食物不錯. 不過一如整個行程, it's who I dine with that matters!

我揀了veal, ok啦. 不喜歡蕃茄味的pasta...


離開的一天是Halloween, 下午友人車了我去Castro區, 路經這間oyster bar, 很吸引似的. 我倆立即成了outcast(因為全店好像沒有不是gay men), 我問: 為什麼Castro好像只有gay men, 沒有lesbians? 友人說, 其實整個三藩市都是男多女少的, 或許就是原因吧.


我的sauteed garlic prawn(有六七隻蝦!), 好味到呢:


離開前我們路經一間很大的餐廳, 內裡坐了約六七十人, 包括工作的, 全是男人, 非常壯觀!
Delicious! You are right. Grilled salmon and steamed rice, hmm...beyond boring! I was in San Francisco in April. I didn't eat as much as you did. Holy cow. I was very cheap. In-and-Out Burger and pho are good food to me, haha...I found a cute little hotel by Fisherman's Wharf called Tuscan Inn. I like it better than downtown. Well, I am the kind who goes to bed early. May be that's why. How do you like the weather though? I hate SF's weather. You can never have a good-hair day!
Danny's breakfast, argh! No comment :-((
exile: how long did u stay in SF last time? i didn't eat as much as i expected though. i chose downtown cos it's convenient for shopping and can walk back to hotel in the evening, safer ma! i went to bed early too, only on vacation! the temp can range from 12C to 26C in a day, i love the cool in the morning but a bit too warm during midday. no good hair day? mine was ok woh. :)
Wa, u have 網友满天下!
State Street is the name of my ex-company, headquarter is in Boston ;-b
I was there 5 days. It was blowing like crazy the whole time I was there. Walked around Pier 39 in heavy duty gloves and scarf, still, froze my butt off. Coming from southern CA, I am not used to that kind of abuse :-)
cr: 真係好大隻呀, 大隻過張相 :)
echo: of course! oh State Street the co., it's so well-known. well, i think there is a State Street in many many cities as well. that's the downtown street in that city.
exile: it was that cold in april? gloves and scarfs??? u sure? what was the temp? it was 3C to 13C in midwest when i was there but i didn't need gloves.
Have a good trip!
5pointsofless: 都只係旅程中一部份咋 :)
uncleray: 龍蝦個樣吸引, 不過其實味道一般, steamed味道唔夠中式煮法好味.
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