由西岸飛往中西部還要轉機, 五小時飛行加轉機時間差不多要七個小時, 的確有點累. 不過總好過原本計劃從香港飛往這兒, 機票會非常昂貴, 又非常辛苦. 在加州留了三晚才飛來是上策. 多得友人們給我資料, 機票連酒店package頗化算, 來回domestic flights+三晚酒店才$610USD.
兩天半拍了三百多張相片, 發了癲. 如果早一個月來會更好, 起碼比較暖, 不用帶大褸來. 幸而帶了來的冷帽及手襪都派不上用場.
沒想到來到之後, 雖然只有3C至13C, 秋葉還未消失, 可以拍到不少又紅又黃又橙的樹葉.

在湖邊看書是這次行程必要完成的事情之一. 有一天不太冷時, 即使是日落, 也可不穿大褸對著Lake Mendota發呆. 看書那個一早一午, 基本上不可除大褸, 後來更因為太冷要跑回室內. 當然現場有不少衣著單薄的學生.
對啊, 這個是湖, 是個很大的湖. Surface area有9,740 acres (3,940 ha), 我不知道有多少個維多利亞港, 總之就是很大很大的了, 緊緊看到邊際.

我都係UW 畢業 ga!!! :D
好掛住o係湖邊睇書!! 但係好多時都比d 風吹到隻手凍哂忍唔住入返去mem u...
我好想零下廿幾度時再返去, 感受下o個隻凍...
Beautiful photos. I've never been to Madison Wisconsin (and likely never will), so it was quite nice to travel there for a few minutes.
Silly question, do people have access to lots of inexpensive ginseng in Wisconsin or do they get exported out of the country?
thanks for sharing the pix and memories.
P.S. Going to try to find time to read your prof's essay "Another Shaw Production: Anamorphic Adventures in Hong Kong". Seems quite interesting. Thanks for the reference as well.
P.P.S. I think I know how you got your name now. :) Any favourite dishes there? Hot dog? :) Or you just like the name?
angela: give me five! :) 零下廿幾度, 後生時都仲得, 宜家我驚頂唔住. :)
kempton: thanks. i actually seldom saw US ginseng there... maybe only some asian stores, just a couple in madison. defin. more in milwaukee which i am not familiar. guess it's easier to buy those in any chinatown :P "mad dog" is originated from a pub in HK lan kwai fong, not this eatery in madison, haha.
Aah! Now you mentioned it. I has a "Mad Dog" T-shirt from LKF! Looooong time ago. Is it still there? Never been to Wisconsin. How long did you live in the U.S? I have been following your trip with interest. Quite a trip!
exile: that "mad dog" bar is no longer here. i lived in the States for 3 yrs, 2 yrs in madison.
beautiful campus! its always nice to walk across the campus and soak in nostalgia :)
btw, what camera are you using?
myblahblahblah: thanks. i just used my stupid Canon IXUS 950 IS.
Wow! extremely beautiful place! Like Monet's oil paintings!
julia: yup, so it's really worth the trip.
嘩, 啲樹嘅顏色靚到呢....真羨慕!! 我以前campus嘅樹葉全年都係綠色, 幾悶呀:)
beautiful pictures, well done
lu: thanks! :)
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