沒有midwest的great lakes, 這裡有的是海和灣, 友人車了我來一趟. 這是他喜歡的Baker Beach, 也是天氣較暖時的
nude beach.
這天風比較大, 感覺上約17C左右, 沒有人來曬太陽. 沙比較深色, 浪也頗大.

來三藩市怎也不可不來看看金門橋吧, 雖然都來過了.

另一天約了另一大學好友吃午餐, 之後她問我想去哪裡, 她知道我可能要購物, 不過她自己卻從不喜歡, 我其實不太享受有人陪著去購物, 感覺好像阻礙人家似的, 而且來了多天都沒有太多時間傾密偈, 她又愛駕駛, 我便提議去Fisherman's Wharf(原來我倆都愛海).
這次去了Pier 39(應該沒來過), 海鷗肥到呢...

在這間candy shop, 我倆都買了不少糖果. 有著名的
salt water taffy, 她也買了不少糖果給兒子.

午餐時她帶了我去Macy's頂樓的Cheesecake Factory, 坐在patio, 看到Union Square後面的Saks Fifth及Tiffany & Co.

原來我上次來沒有坐過cable car! 這次來回一次, 還有機會站在車邊第一個位, 勇! :)

沒有刻意安排, 乘cable car總站剛來到Ghirardelli Square. 這回多得多位友人(還有一位加州blogger)的款待, 差不多周遊了整個三藩市, 說得出的地方都好像沒有錯過. 唯獨這個朱古力地方沒有來, 這天也來了.

臨離開美國返港的早上還多去一次海邊, 來到
Ferry Building Marketplace.

可看所有San Francisco的
The seagull's peck is yellow! I only seen red one before! (in Aus, they are all red!)
echo: really?! can't find photos of red peck ones, can u show me?
check out ur fb, I have shared da pics there.
yeah just saw them! :)
海鷗=海盜! they attack people's food and steal french fries in Toronto! :)
kempton: they were in good terms with me though :)
karelian: 係啦, 果邊真係日日都藍天, 雲都無多舊, 我上機時都仲食緊喉糖, 一去度就乜事都無!
yr photos remind me my trip to sfo last nov. i also took the cable car, went to fisherman wharf, took lots of pix in that candies shop & ate @ cheesecake factory. i miss sfo...
anon: good that u like them.
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