
Friday, October 12, 2007

Breaking and Entering 慾望迷城

友人借影碟給我, 看了Jude Law主演的"Breaking and Entering". 電影上畫時好像只上了一兩個星期, 同期又有其他選擇, 都錯過了. 那時聽到不少劣評, 本不太相信, 這回看了都有點認同.

或許是導演的前作太出色了, 大家都會有期望. Anthony Minghella多齣作品都不錯, 且都兼任導演及劇本: "Cold Mountain"(2003), "The Talented Mr. Ripley"(1999), "The English Patient"(1996), "Truly Madly Deeply"(1990). 難怪會對"Breaking and Entering"有點失望. 還有, 監製是著名的Sydney Pollack.

故事本身略欠說服力, 尤其是劇中飾演新移民Amira的Juliette Binoche, 正正是一個有十多歲兒子的中年婦人, 怎樣吸引靚仔Jude Law(Will Francis)? 相信這是我第一次在電影中見到如此難看的Binoche, 真替她傷心, 拍得她如此醜.

電影中的兩個女主角都是令人傷感的角色. Robin Wright Penn飾演的Liv每天都為患了自閉症的女兒而憂心忡忡, 與丈夫Will(Jude Law)關係日漸惡劣. Liv和Amira都是正在面對人生逆境的中年女人, 二人都把那份愁緒演繹得很好.

Jude Law不只是靠一副俊臉, 他的演技也交足功課. 而飾演Amira兒子Miro的年輕演員Rafi Gavron都不錯. 演員不錯, 電影卻鬆散.

想交代的主題本都可以有許多發揮的空間: 母子及母女之間的無條件的愛, 愛與寬恕, 愛與背叛. Anthony Minghella可以拍到The English Patient, The Talented Mr. Ripley, 還有多年前我頗喜歡的Truly Madly Deeply, 怎麼這回會令人跌眼鏡?

Rotten Tomatoes只有32%好評.

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Stannum said...

我覺得 Jude Law 雖然化了老妝﹐但依然太靚仔太後生﹐外型所限﹐演不出中年男人那種苦悶﹐使到那一份迷戀有點虛假。我反而覺得﹐作為十幾歲孩子的母親﹐Binoche 的演出和造型都恰當。

Stannum said...

選角的問題﹐或許換做 Daniel Craig 會好D。有無睇過 Enduring Love ﹖Daniel 的角色都是中年苦悶不大平衡的男人﹐演來好看得多。

raydio said...

電影上畫時也有看過, 我覺得問題只是, 它像要探討一些社會背景, 這跟情慾的命題有點背道而馳, 也可能如你所說 拍得女主角太醜, 那段婚外情變得很沒說服力.

Anonymous said...

stannum: 那一份迷戀不只虛假, 是怎也說服不了觀眾. Enduring Love, 今年英國電影節會上, 我買咗飛, 星期日有得睇! :)

ray: 係喎, 其實電影都有啲社會背景想講. 環保啦, 戰亂啦仲有.

Stannum said...

ray: 命題方面﹐英文原名 Breaking and Entering 非關情慾﹐可以多重指向﹐大概是香港的譯名令人誤會吧。

mad dog: 你睇完大家再傾啦。

laichungleung said...

I want to say as a general rule of thumb, one should avoid seeing any movie by Juliette Binoche post "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and Jude Law, the combed-over* who screwed his babysitter at all cost. Now this movie starring both, you simply should avoid it like plague.

From the biased and misinformed.

*He finally gave up his combed-over hairstyle and opted for a crew cut.

mad dog said...

laichungleung: ha, don't be that mean lah! i still go to see their films. and i love jude so much!

laichungleung said...

Law has two movies coming out before the end of 2007, "Sleuth" and "My Blueberry Nights." Hope you'll enjoy them. He's one good looking guy and I can certainly see why you go gaga over him.

From the biased, misinformed and now mean.

Anonymous said...

laichungleung: of course i know "sleuth" and "MBN". he came to hk last time and were in my office building, i waited for him for 20 mins! but no, didn't have a chance to see him...

laichungleung said...

My bad, of course, you know. "Sleuth " debuts today in NYC, and the New York Times panned it but who knows.

Did you dress like a babysitter or a nanny? Maybe that would better catch his attention. (I am sorry...can't help it.) I heard he's a spokeperson for some luxury brand over in Hong Kong. Maybe he has a better image in Asia than over here ....

mad dog said...

lcl: babysitter or nanny??!?!?! oh man... :( yes, his alfred dunhill ads are all over hk! see: i took this april 2006(photo #3)

小臭 said...


mad dog said...

小臭: 電影永遠係各花入各眼, 你覺得好屎嘅可能我覺得好正. :)