
Monday, May 19, 2008

Truth or Dare

相信未玩過的也聽過吧. 大學時幾個女孩在房間便可以玩一個晚上. 其實到最後根本沒有人夠膽揀dare, 都是變成說秘密的晚上, 蠻有趣.

網上有這個Truth or Dare可以提供更多有趣的truth和dare給參與的人, 例如:


Have you ever let someone make a huge mistake, even though you could have intervened and prevented it? What happened, and why did you not help?

What is the most money you have ever made, or been given, in a single check? What did you do with it?

What was the most passionate moment you have ever experienced? Describe it for the group.

Who are the top five hottest people you know?

If you were stranded on a island, who would you want to have with you? Why?

不過看來都不太富挑戰性... 我們玩的都是蠻令人尷尬的! 通常都是爆暗戀對象或私密的行為等等... :P


通常都沒有人揀. 不過其實志在大家高興, 應該多揀dare更富娛樂性.

Hope you like hot food! Stick out your tongue and let someone put randomized 1 - 5 drops of tobasco (or similar) hot sauce on your tongue. You can spit it out afterwards. (辣辣壽司邊個食嗰種)

Call someone you know and tell them a complete lie about someone else they know. (呢個都可以玩吓... )

Strip down to your undies and go jump in the pool, if one is available. If not, jump in a cold shower for 5 seconds. Dry off and get dressed.


那時一揀dare就是要除衫, 所以人人都唯有揀truth了.


墮天使 - 祥 said...

我可以問一問,Truth or Dare是怎樣玩的?

mad dog said...
