I like their Banchan dishes. I like them to crowd the table, and keeps coming. Korean BBQ is not cheap, actually nothing is cheap. Any BBQ beef dish (dinner) is almost $30 if not more. One of the "problem" with Korean BBQ is you smell exactly like one after eating one. The hair the clothes, the whole world knows you just had Korean BBQ.
我們澳洲Brisbane也有間「秘苑」韓菜,則過就是用韓文拼音Bee Won。
秘苑是香港的韓食店之中我最喜歡的一家店~ (我喜歡它更多於新羅寶) 以前常去!
chris: 唔知係咪韓文有咩特別意思呢?
素顏: 我無去過新羅寶, 係咪阿Rain都去果間?
readandeat: $22USD都ok噃.
sillyshopgirl: 金羅寶好似試過一次, ok喎.
虎茶: yeah!
I like their Banchan dishes. I like them to crowd the table, and keeps coming. Korean BBQ is not cheap, actually nothing is cheap. Any BBQ beef dish (dinner) is almost $30 if not more. One of the "problem" with Korean BBQ is you smell exactly like one after eating one. The hair the clothes, the whole world knows you just had Korean BBQ.
LCL: smells like one after eating one, exactly! but this time we didn't try the bbq, so it's ok.
readandeat: 咁又係.
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