Sounds easy,but I think the difficulity is if you know you're not attractive to that person, whether/how can you ask him/her out?
I like one guy, just being honest and told him my feelings, he also being gentle and thanked for my honesty, I guess that's it,unless I make the first move asking him out which I don't think I would do. We do (sortof) flirt in the office sometimes, but it gives me very unstable feelings...
Thanks mad dog bringing up this topic, interesting discussions...
只要做女嘅唔係太樣衰, 靚就更加唔駛講, 追男仔, 駛乜咁麻煩?!
主動出擊, 兩三下行動攪掂~
女追男, 隔重紗而已嘛.
karelian: ha!
Din: 都未必架.
Some guys are like an incinerator, they will take whatever garbage that got thrown into their direction.
"dress得起眼 open D", I have a dirty mind....I really like this one and I think it will work magic especially the "open D", not A or C, has to be D.
(Note: all the above is written in the spirit of Internet BS, or my BS.)
LCL: D! hahahha!
嗯~ 其實男仔都鍾意主動既女仔既~ *^-^*
女追男, 25歲之前基本上應該是易過借火。
samuel: 係咩?
uncle ray: 你話女人幾慘...
係啊~ 信我啦
暗戀的感覺雖苦澀但也甜蜜窩心~ :p
samuel: :)
小蓓: 因為我地都係好傳統嘅女人. :)
Sounds easy,but I think the difficulity is if you know you're not attractive to that person, whether/how can you ask him/her out?
I like one guy, just being honest and told him my feelings, he also being gentle and thanked for my honesty, I guess that's it,unless I make the first move asking him out which I don't think I would do. We do (sortof) flirt in the office sometimes, but it gives me very unstable feelings...
Thanks mad dog bringing up this topic, interesting discussions...
anon: thanks for sharing too!
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