Best Value Hand Creams ~ Neutrogena Norwegian Formula都試過, 勝在夠平, 不過有點油, 較適合睡前搽, 工作時搽會太油不方便.
Best Fragrance-Free Hand Creams ~ Cetaphil Therapeutic Hand Cream with Shea Butter這個香港沒有吧.
Best Scented Hand Creams ~ Le Couvent des Minimes Repairing Hand Cream又是沒有見過的.
Best Anti-Aging Hand Creams ~ Clarins Age-Control Hand Lotion SPF 15我一向有用Clarins產品, 卻從未用過這個, 下次買來試! 還有SPF呢!
Best Hand Creams for Very Dry Skin ~ Aveda Hand Relief剛買了一支Aveda Hand Relief及Foot Relief給大姊, 自己也買了一支Foot Relief. 很不錯, 相信Hand Relief也很好吧. 大支裝$220, Facess有九折.
Best Hand Creams for Problem Skin ~ Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Intensive Moisturizing Hand Treatment這個也常聽人說很好, 會試!
近日其實正在用多個品牌, 都是不昂貴的. 有Avene(日本旅遊時買的), 990日元. Darphin, 好友送, 不錯, 不油又夠潤. 還有便宜的Vaseline Intensive Care(放在公司用). 以前用過L'Occitane(很好), Natio(可以), 等等.
我都用過好多不同牌子的hand cream! 有次去上環先施, 發現有個牌子叫: Greenery, 那個hand cream很不錯, 暫時算最滿意.
Eucerin ─ 用緊,不過宜家香港無得買,都係用緊存貨,用完就無。佢又潤又滑,唔笠~
Crabree & Evelyn ─ 適合夏天用,又香又潤又夠爽~
LCN ─ 用過sample(粉紅cream),用完手紋無晒,神奇!但太貴,無買~
L'Occitane的皇牌Shea Butter潤手霜非常滋潤,用完又不覺膩。
I use
Glysomed from Germany to keep my hands soft! :D
什麼也不用,手越來越滑 :)
我正在用 Kiehl's,for hand and body. 不油膩,味道又好。
jurlique rose hand care cream好香夠潤但唔立....
wingtsing: 來自邊度呢?
cr: thanks!
tessa: Eucerin 好似係best value排第二, second to Neutrogena.
readandeat: 你講開我記得都用過Jurlique同Kiehl's. L'Occitane就樣樣都幾好用.
mugen c: 德國品牌添呀, 香港未見過, 可能無得買.
san wen ji: 好乾呀我對手&腳都.
muggle: Kiehl's又係非常受歡迎.
peg peg: 我鍾意lavender味. :)
I use Cetaphil at work and Crabtree at home (before I go to sleep)
冬天用Crabtree嘅Gardener, 潤而不膩, 另外如果手乾到有甩皮的現象, 會用DermaDrate Dry Ski Treatment,含有Urea (尿素),good for dry skin. You can try try.
愛美: LCN, 都唁記得邊度有得買添...
tofufa: Cetaphil, 香港未見到.
miss K: DermaDrate, 邊度有得買??? :)
我聽講連有手汗既人用Elizabeth Arden o個隻都ok~
我依排用緊wuta kamille,圓形細盒好岩帶出街用~ 唔會太油,又夠平 ($15)!
doudou: 咁Elizabeth Arden真係要買嚟試試, 咁多人讚.
小茶: 好多防曬都有效卦. 無特別研究添.
tessa: thanks!
neutrogena 真的很"立".
handcream 是 crabtree的擁躉。
冬天 gardener,夏天 summerhill.
jaffe: 好多澳洲產品都唔錯咁噃.
cosmicrays: crabtree, 下次試吓先.
You can get Derma Drate from Mannings Pharmacy.
300ml~$135 (much cheaper)
miss k: thanks!
@mugen_c: i am also a glysomed fan! but does anyone know where can you find it in hong kong?
i think many of the german budget hand cream perform very well. for example, other than glysomed, i have also tried kamill and herbacin's hand cream and they are all quite good.
i use to love aesop's products when i live in melbourne, but they are not so easily found in europe :(
@mad_dog: australia indeed has many good moisturising product, you can easily find a good hand cream without evening trying just inside a pharmacy, but of course, you will have to pay a little bit more if you want scented ones. for example, for the same size julique costs 50 aud when hydroderm costs 5 aud. (but of coz, i wouldn't say hydroderm has the best smell out of all unscented handcreams...)
janice: right... Germany always has the best pharmaceutical products... don't forget they got so many Jews tested for them in labs during the WWII... :)
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