
Friday, December 14, 2007

My "Fart Up Phone"


浮士德賣了靈魂給魔鬼, 我的靈魂卻給人奪了.

有些你很想得到的東西, 會否因為節日的來臨令你更積極去把這個夢想成真? 如這個聖誕節?

喜歡這句quote: "Life is what happens when you're making other plans"

)其實今晚都見到明哥, 又係坐我後一行, 不過咁多人, 一開燈佢都唔見咗啦. 又見甘生, 謝生同白小姐.

Pret個strawberry fruit fool(yoghurt)好好味噃!

Kirin嘅午後之紅茶好好味! 永安減價$7.5咋.

a friend described me as charm, forgiving, patient, tolerated and understanding. isn't that nice? :)

公司有個新嚟嘅小大粒... 坐個位, 係之前一個三十出頭就死咗嘅同事坐... 之後一個做咗無一年就俾人炒... 唔知如果佢知道會點諗呢?

douban有些網友偶然一個電郵, 給人很溫暖的感覺: 而你的生活呢?我一无所知。我们或近在咫尺,或海角天涯。但无论如何,好好照顾自己.

好怕同人握手對方隻手又凍又濕... 佢一行開我即用alcohol hand gel清潔... :P

今日連隻豉油雞肶都蝦我, 一拿起支骨就甩! 頂!

個鐘點緊係用咗好多漂白水, 個廁所&廚房好大陣味呀!

part-time上屋企打掃, 見我啲嘢勁亂, 話想幫我摺衫, 我話, 叫佢清潔得啦, (其實我有潔癖, 衫, 自己摺好啦), 我鍾意生活喺混亂當中, 唔好攪我啲衫...

Fancl deluxe tense up個廣告, 隻歌擺明抄Dolores O'Riordan隻Black Widow.

favorite twitterers, 我有份噃, 呵呵!

攞番隻"How to Make an American Quilt"OST出嚟聽. 忽然覺得人生充滿希望.

HKLGFF睇咗兩齣, 低成本, acting當然一般, 都OK嘅.

I started a joke Which started the whole world crying...

大學好友返嚟一齊食飯, 四個女人飲咗一支紅酒, 傾得好開心. 好耐無笑到咁癲.

last time i said If life gives me lemon, i make key lime pie. today i really have eaten a lemon.

what would you think if your friends say your significant other looks like one of your exs. or even your dad/mum?

對住一啲心情極差嘅人嘅埋怨, 唯有就係聽, 聽, 同聽...

Men make women messy. ~ Catherine Banning from The Thomas Crown Affair ~ oh so true!

琴日係喊日(朋友婚禮), 今日係瞓日. 7:30-9:30pm整咗個late nap (其實2:00pm先瞓醒), 今晚唔洗瞓... 兩點幾, 涼都未沖... 好唔好寫多篇blog然後煲隻"My Life Without Me"碟呢? 聽日好似仲要返工架噃...

the feeling of being one of the potential candidates can be quite upsetting... no one would like to be just shortlised... i want to be the top in the FINAL LIST.

連續兩晚食食吓飯, 成碟餸響我lap上飛墮地上... 唔係偶然囉... 心神恍惚也.

望一望出面, 海景加陽光, 其實個世界可以好美好. 亦其實都美好.


睇緊朋友結婚當日嘅相. 其實B&W相好靚, 我地都鍾意, 不過好多老人家唔多like...

god, now i can spend hours online even w/o blogging... man... i love my friends!

個friend前排去咗摩洛哥, 啲相幾靚... 其實Morocco都幾似西班牙.

want to win me back? show me the colors

呢兩日有兩隻歌響腦裡出現: Something in Your Eyes (Carpenters) 同 Longer (Dan Fogelberg) to be sane or insane, that's the question

port de bras en pointe... it isn't funny!

阿王Longines廣告, 出現於Newsweek, 巴閉! Elegance is an attitude. ~ Aaron Kwok.

i decide to take one step at a time...


人, 需要安穩. 所以無論現況如何, 有時我們需要保持它的暫時不變.

chatting w/ my almost-native-speaker college friend is really challenging... i have to use webster online to check those vocabs she uses...


1 comment:

梁巔巔 said...

喂, 阿大妳可以出書或者出癲狗瘋語語錄~