導演是來自丹麥的Lone Scherfig, 從沒看過她的作品. 電影改編自Lynn Barber的回憶錄.
看畢電影令我想起數年前看的"The History Boys"(高校男生)(當然完全是截然不同的片種)和"The Talented Mr. Ripley"(1999), 不過都不及這兩齣好看.
我覺得電影還可以, 值得一看, 朋友卻很不認同它為何可以被提名最佳電影.

值得一讚是選角吧, 男女主角都頗稱職, 尤其是飾演David的Peter Sarsgaard, 看過他在"Flightplan"(2005)的演出, 奸在骨子裡, 叫他飾演正人君子可能更難. 英國演員Carey Mulligan(Jenny)曾參與"Pride & Prejudice"(2005). 其實樣貌不突出, 真的像個高校女生, 倒有點令人懷疑: Jenny究竟哪裡吸引David? 或許就是她那份純真又帶點智慧的性格?

Emma Thompson(校長)和Sally Hawkins(David妻子)戲份不多, 前者發揮機會很少, 後者只出現一幕, 不過一看便認出她了.
Jenny父母那一段也蠻有趣. 尤其喜歡刻劃Jenny父親那份執著卻又竟然都被David騙倒. 那個年代就是(其實或許現在也有很多人會這樣想): 既然有好人家照顧了, 還需要入牛津麼?
Rotten Tomatoes有95%! 真的那麼好?

也看看網友coffee的筆記. 還有家明的影評.
New York Times movie review.
Thanks for the review. Looks like a good movie, will definitely see it.
Sam: u r welcome! worth to see it.
我沒看這電影。所以叫作an education,是否因差點感情被騙而上了人生重要一課呢?
uncleray: 差不多可以這樣說. 是原作者的個人回憶錄, 她(現代人)也曾有類似經歷, 而那份經驗是一生難忘, 她也覺得是很值得的一課.
I feel old but not very wise讓人反思!
O i really don't agree with this. But, of course, everyone has his or her own cup of tea.
I have watched this three times already.
A star is born in Carey Mulligan. She was 25 when the film was shot but she looked like 16 in every angles. It's her brilliant performance in An Education earns her a leading role in Wall Street 2. Mind you, before this, this little british girl is nameless in Hollywood. Some said that she lost the Best Actress in Golden Gllobe (probably Academy Award, too) because of her interview in Letterman's. After all she is a Briton.
No, mad dog, this was not exactly based on the autobiography of Lynn Barber, one of the famous journalists in Fleet Street.
And particularly, this is only a very small chapter in the autobiography.
This was inspired by that. You may read the foreward by Nick Hornby in the screenplay (published by Penguins).
It was a story of a young British girl of pre-Beatles age -- this is why the setting had to be late 50s, though this kind of experience can happen to all girls; women indeed. At that time, before The Beatles swept the world, Paris was the centre of the cultural world, if not the world. This is the meaning of Paris, the French songs, Chanel No.5 and, simply, French in the movie.
The whole movie is so British. Typical British. So witty. And so hilarious. In the sense of British. Subtle.
The best scene was the dialogues between the father (Alfred Molina played very well) and Jenny when she found out David was a married man who lived in the neighbourhood. It was so emotional. This should have given every father plenty food of thought.
It will not win the Best Picture because it's a small crowd movie (comparing to Avator and The Hurt Locker). It should win the Best Adapted Screenplay. Unlucky that the Audrey Hepburn of our age cannot win an award for actress in leading role in An Education.
聶: 我諗電影給人感覺不錯, 可能係拍攝手法還可以吧.
Everton: right, we all have different taste. i don't dislike the movie, and i dun think it's my favorite either.
"I have watched this three times already" ~ well... for many ppl, Avatar and Titanic are the best, which they can see it many many times... but i dun like either one of them... so...
yes, i like the scene of the dad and Jenny too.
But in the book, Jenny doesn't love him at all, she doesn't care who he really is, she just love those fancy places only. So the movie is much more romantic:P
coffee: oh i see... so did u read the book before or after the seeing the movie?
before, that's why I went to see the movie:P!
coffee: i see, so the movie is more appealing.
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