Micmacs 子彈頭 . 大復仇
Metropolis 大都會
Asian Digital Competition 亞洲數碼錄像競賽
Oxhide II 牛皮貳
Seven Days in Heaven 父後七日
Gala Presentation 影迷嘉年華
The Secret in Their Eyes 謎情追兇
Please, Please Me! 我可以抱你嗎?
The Refuge 孕茫茫
Hipsters 潮爆莫斯科
Bright Star 閃亮的星星
Harry Brown 老馬發火
A Serious Man 非常戇男離奇失婚
Master Class 大師級
White Material 白鬼
Wild Grass 野草
Around a Small Mountain 小山36景
Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow 悲傷草原
The Dust of Time 時光微塵
La Danse: The Paris Opera Ballet 舞動花都
Vincere 獨裁者的情婦
Revisited 驀然回望
Eccentricities of a Blond Hair Girl 金髮奇女子
Honeymoons 蜜月勿越 (要出讓, 撞期)
Auteurs 作者風
Persecution 愛的迫害
The Portuguese Nun 葡萄牙修女
Midnight Heat 我愛午夜長
Cell 211 奪獄困獸
Global Vision 世界視野
Lourdes 神蹟疑雲
La Pivellina 天降B女
I Killed My Mother 殺死我阿媽
Letters to Father Jacob 盲神父與假釋女
Father of My Children 爸爸的肥皂泡
Mr. Nobody 小國民尼謨
The Happiest Girl in the World 今天應該很高興
The Blue Mansion 藍樓夢斷
Adrift 慾念起錨
Amreeka 肥媽誤闖美麗加
Filmmakers and Filmmaking 影人影事
Pianomania SK鋼琴達人
Restored Classics 修復經典
(Metropolis) ~ as in Galas
The Red Shoes 紅菱豔
少咗好多喇... 前兩年仲多 :)
coffee: 嘩你竟然少過我?! gar都話今年短咗成個星期, 我諗電影都少咗好多.
Oh what a coincidence, we're having our international film festival (jdiff) right now as well :)
I've selected only 3 definite film choices this year though (there are a couple on Sunday morning which I may still get to see depending on my writing progress today, but in any case the most I had watched at DIFF at one time was 15 movies, and that was already way too exhausting for me), so I take my hat off to you really for your absolute festival dedication :)
Incidentally, the films I've chosen overlap with yours a bit. I'm watching Pianomania this afternoon (Sat), and then La Danse on Sunday. Am really looking forward to them!
I look forward to reading your review notes on these films too afterwards :)
Snowdrops: yeah, i really look forward to seeing those two films as well! :) it's exhaustive to see 35 films in two weeks, yet enjoyable. will take some days off to finish the marathon. :)
Hello~~ 你的文章已連結到 http://www.hkifflink.net/2010/02/28/3908/
如果不想被連結的話,請電郵到hkifflink@gmail.com 通知我們。
thanks 瑪嘉烈!
今年映期短咁多, 實睇少好多戲啦~
gar: 你估係咪因為農曆年遲咗, arts fest又有少少撞hkiff, 攪到好多場次都無得喺文化中心, 而攪到展期縮短呢?
Here is a documentary "The Last Train Home" I love and recommend. It is really well made,
Have fun at the HKIFF.
kempton: oh that one, didn't choose it though.
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