
Wednesday, October 15, 2008


又做了個怪夢. 收到兩件禮物. 其中一個是某某砌了一間玩具屋給我.


"As in waking life, dreaming of or seeing a relative in your dream is an important symbol in your dreams. Dreaming about family members is very common. One theory about this is that everyone is searching for a 'normal' family life and your dreams explore and sometimes reject your ideas of what 'normal' is. Many people have reoccuring dreams about certain family members, this may be necessary for your subconcious to continue working on balancing what you wish your place in the family structure is and what it really is.

Isn't that nice, a gift. Whether you were giving a gift or receiving one, both acts are symbolic of a 'that a boy'. Have you been praised lately for something, or maybe you're just feeling good about yourself? Or perhaps you need to offer the pat on the back to someone else. Never be stingy with praise when it's deserved."

昨晚首次試穿我那對Gamba 97 pointe shoes, 或許算是perfect fit, 感覺不錯. 且原來我只用雙手和demi pointe break in, 效果已不錯. 喜歡它的顏色. 上了半小時, 只是腳趾公有點痛, 今天已無大礙.

很怕facebook上的友人失驚無神放上一堆N年前的相片, 然後tag我! 嚇得魂飛魄散. 大佬, 我唔想list上所有朋友都見到囉! 立即remove tag! 上少陣都唔得!


Anonymous said...


mad dog said...

readandeat: 我一早有舊同事add咗啲老細啦... 我全部唔敢add. 現任同事我add咗一個, 都唔係香港office添呀!!! 驚呀!