我就諗到… Coke / Jacob橙餅 / 維他檸檬茶 / 克力架餅 & 7Up / 寶磺力 / Welch提子汁 / Twix
記得大學時, 有一次, 身穿長裙, 不小心走過一個地上的風口位, 是完全的走光! 非常尷尬, 當然沒有Marilyn Monroe的艷麗豪邁. 那是一條深藍色的連身裙, 背著backpack, 穿著一對在Toronto買的funky high heels. 連跑帶跳的把裙狂扯回原位… 路上人不算多, 亦沒膽去留意有沒有人發現了.
我有TMD... 食布冧都出事... :(
一向是左邊jaw bone有事的. 多年來都沒有理會.
剛才(昨晚)吃布冧, 一咬, 右邊勁痛, 咩事???!!! 洗唔洗睇醫生呢又? :(
You are a Cat (what animial are you quiz)
最憎貓, 我竟然就係貓!
"You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!
You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.
You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.
No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way."
問小甥女, 俾一萬蚊你, 你會用嚟做乜?
一萬蚊... 不如你問我, 俾一百萬我會做乜好過啦. 又或一千萬... :)
ha ha, you are a cat!
This is really funny since you hate them so much.
uncle ray: 好諷刺... :( 你玩吓吖, 可能你係老鼠... :P
miss yim san: ha! :) 有無details?
imagine how "YOU ARE A PIG" comes up screaming at you.
You are very intelligent, and you enjoy being around people. You can trust others easily.
You have great reasoning skills, and you are quick learner. You are able to adapt to most situations.
You tend to be very territorial and picky. You don't like people messing with your stuff.
You have keen senses and reflexes. You can defend yourself well and quickly sense danger.
No la, I'm a monkey!
cr: :) 有tag玩呀又? 好呀!
maki: 一皮夠交吓呢樣嗰樣咋噃.
uncle ray: monkey!
You Are a Monkey
You are a very fascinating creature. People are interested in every little thing you do.
You are smart, curious, and clever. You are naturally witty, and you have a great sense of humor.
You can see things from many different angles, and you always have an interesting perspective on life.
You are likely agile and playful. You stay physically fit simply by staying active.
shiren: 唔係得一張相架噃, 有十幾廿張.
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