
Monday, August 09, 2010



只想說, Ellen Page就憑一齣"Juno"一泡而紅, 不過這回選角找她, 怎樣也有點說服不了我. 荷李活大片, 都是找個漂亮一點, 高佻一點有點看頭嘛. 不是膚淺的意見, 因為大路電影應該找點大路元素. Joseph Gordon-Levitt也好像因為一齣"500 Days of Summer"而更為人認識. 相比起Ellen Page, 他在Inception的角色還算匹配. 不過荷李活就是這樣, 成功了, 你便有很多不同的機會, 即使那個角色根本不適合你的也可能找你.

此片不會寫篇長的了, 不是我杯茶. 不明白怎麼那麼多人又解讀又看數遍. 沒有不太明白的地方, 亦沒有令人想再細看的理由.

有人說此片是Matrix + Synecdoche, New York, 難怪了, 不是Matrix迷, Synecdoche, New York我是欣賞的, 不過不至於喜歡.


第一次有機會看林懷民的作品, 雲門舞集啊, 那麼享負盛名. Pina Bausch看完要哭, 林懷民也說: "如果哪一天我走了, 《流浪者之歌》是我唯一想要留世的舞作, 因為它很寧靜."(source) 那我怎可錯過呢. 相信不少人都看過了.

唔. 或許因為太禪, 宗教味道比較濃厚. 又或許, 我從來都不太明白modern dance. 只覺得那幕瀑布式灑下來的稻穀有點震撼. 千斤米作佈景的舞台當然也是首次目睹.


不過我不懂哭. 或許根本不明白.


Anonymous said...

Dude, you're so lame,
Ellen page wasn't casted in this film for her fame, she was casted because she's a great actress!
name someone who is as young as she is and can actually act

mad dog said...

oh dude, be polite and respectful, this is my blog.
young and can act, there are a whole lot out there, sorry.

The Man Who Loves Everton said...

I thought i'm the only not mad about Inception. Great to know there's another.

mad dog said...

TMWLE: shake hands. :) well, someone actually fell asleep for the first 20 minutes, maybe that's the goal of the movie, bringing audience to a dream state. LOL!