我喜歡此片嗎? 唔, 一般. 細想一下為什麼看完的感覺是如此, 我覺得可能因為是一齣關於芭蕾舞團的紀錄片, 略嫌欠了一點全面, 或許應該說, 許多我想看的東西都沒有出現在畫面裡, 看到的都是舞團正面的東西, 好像完全沒有舞者的心聲.
導演Frederick Wiseman原來早於1995年已有一齣名為"Ballet"的作品, 也是documentary, 主角是American Ballet Theatre.
159分鐘的電影, 是Paris Opéra Ballet許多的rehearsals(包括舞團的舞室和舞台上的)和好些舞台上的表演、舞團台前幕後的工作者如服裝部/染料部/化妝/維修部等、artistic director及舞團管理層人員、cafeteria、編舞及排舞師等等的軼事. 其實彩排佔了絕大篇幅, 所以不少觀眾都看得呆了. 真的, 那麼多的彩排, 其實youtube都有得看喇... (雖然舞團的彩排真的好看)

Cafeteria一幕更片面. 大特寫一些食物, 然後有人(不一定是舞蹈員)排隊去取食物, 之後是wide shot.
或許我看得太多關於芭蕾舞員控制飲食及體重的文章/報道, 還有飲食問題, 或多或少覺得電影這個片面的手法好像有點刻意避開敏感話題.
可能我習慣了在twitter上天天追看舞者或各舞團的tweets, 他們給我的真實感遠勝這樣的芭蕾舞團紀錄片.
New York Times review
Rotten Tomatoes有88%好評
Sorry to hear you (and others) have a bad experience with the film.
Don't know if you will enjoy "Flamenco at 5:15" but here is some info. (29 mins, free from NFB)
"This Oscar®-winning short film is an impressionistic record of a flamenco dance class given to senior students of the National Ballet School of Canada by two great teachers from Spain, Susana and Antonio Robledo. The film shows the beautiful young North American dancers--inspired by the flamenco rhythms and mesmerized by Susana's extraordinary energy--joyously merging with an ancient gypsy culture."
Oh Mad Dog, after reading your commentary I don't feel too bad then about falling asleep mid-way through this movie :P I thought it was just me, thinking that I was too tired. It is a visually gorgeous film though, but perhaps it could do better with a shorter run-time as well as a more balanced narrative.
Kempton: not really a bad experience, just a little bit disappointed.
Snowdrops: oh u saw it as well. yeah, it dragged so long and no surprises.
thanks makarat!
La Danse我未睇,不過睇過佢拍ABT果套Ballet
Anna: 1995套"Ballet"無睇過呀. 呢次唔好有期望會好啲 :)
我覺得這部是典型的電影節宣傳錯配~ Wiseman 那種很強觀察性的紀錄片並不是人人受落, 要對他的紀錄片風格和理念有所認識才會理解他這樣拍背後的原因, 然後明白它的優點和限制, 自然也不會抱怨為甚麼沒有解說/訪問~
gar: 唔, 對我嚟講唔係因為宣傳錯配喇, 只係個subject令我有興趣睇, "沒有解說/訪問"亦都可以, 雖然好多rehearsal片段都好珍貴, 不過真係唔係人人ok. 令我諗番起幾年前齣"Ballet Russes", 我真係非常非常鍾意, 正好多.
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