甥女: 咁你一路都無放棄(忘了她是否用"放棄"這兩個字)?
我: 咁又唔係, 我五年班跳到中四囉, 要考試(HKCEE)嘛, 跟住宜家又跳番囉.
當然, 興趣不能迫, 只可以培養. 家長只可以鼓勵小朋友學什麼什麼, 但他們有沒有興趣/天份繼續, 有時都不能迫的.
說到passion, 今天看的阿根廷/西班牙電影"The Secret in Their Eyes", 警探就是憑疑犯對足球的passion去找到他, 警探說, 一個人什麼都可以變, 他的愛人, 家人, 甚至宗教/信仰都可以變, 但passion卻怎也不會變. (宗教/信仰都可以變, 有點當頭棒喝... 對宗教/信仰的熱情真的會下降/改變... 唉 :( )
對電影及芭蕾舞的passion, 真的不會變?
我希望我的孩子將來對音樂也有興趣;雖然現在開始"胎教"聽古典樂,爵士樂,流行曲等等...甚至胎教唱"青蛙媽媽睡醒了,呱呱呱呱叫" :)
ber: haha! 努力!
If the passion is about out belief/religion/life, then it won't change as well, right!;-)
echo: i thought so too... :P but not easy for religion, even for pastors!
其實passion變好定唔變好呢? 我總覺得自己將來好可能又會鍾意其他新o野~ 如果passion一路都唔變, 係咪一種病態o既obsession呢?
gar: obsession, 未至於影響生活/健康/家人, 都唔算病態嘅. passion, 都係好事 :)
maki: 唔, 電影裡都係用"passion"呢個字眼呀好似. 咦我掛住睇英文字幕, 有無記錯呢? 凌架宗教/信仰 ~ 這個, 都係呀... 又或只係我諗多咗...
original quote from film: Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything. His face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion,his God. But there's one thing he can't change. He can't change his passion.
source: http://movies.maxabout.com/movie/the-secret-in-their-eyes/211604
My sharing is, I used to making it a big deal in pursuing the 'passion' in our belief and found it's kinda of hard
& I got easily discouraging by noticed it.
Nowadays,my approach is somehow changed, I am more focusing on 'consistency' & 'peace', just like how I will eat & sleep everyday, I will pray & worship him day by day.
I believes this would formed an strong foundation in terms of my relationship with God, and my passion would be there when the times come! ^o^
echo: 你真有福 :) 我都知懶同多藉口係最大問題 :P 電影中我想佢意思係對一種興趣嘅passion, 而宗教唔可以納入喺當中.
maki: 我都係靠字幕咋, 可能原文係你所講都未定.
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