當然, 其實不是一味的笑喇. 很到肉. 也有好些感動位.
"你(單身女律師)唔好買樓呀! 你要嘅係一個人, 唔係一層樓! 買咗樓你嫁唔出架喇!"
"佢(喺blog上)叫你做Honey Baby! 我就係地雷皇后"
"結婚就一張紙, 離婚就一百五十頁紙"
"我唔再做謀殺同離婚喇, 全部都係失敗(?)收場" "係佢地啫, 我地嘅工作只係幫佢地"
"嗰啲八幾年出世嗰啲唔好請喇, 請啲七幾架啦... 請個男嘅... 嗱呢個啦"
"好恐怖呀, 個(數碼港)兒童遊樂場無兒童架... "
"愛情點解唔係錢呀? 由你開始拍拖嗰日已經要錢! 拍拖要錢... 結婚要錢, 口啖啖生個仔又要錢, 父母外父外母, 生又要錢, 死又要錢... "
"我地嗰代, 兄弟姊妹一大堆, 乜都要爭, 好珍惜... 你地由細到大乜都有, 你識咩珍惜, 你講愛情? 恭喜你囉, 你有排有得做(離婚律師)!"
"你(單身女律師)唔好買樓呀! 你要嘅係一個人, 唔係一層樓! 買咗樓你嫁唔出架喇!"
Haha, years ago I remember actually hearing someone (a relative of some sort) saying this to a friend's cousin (who wanted to get her own flat with her sister so they could move out of the family home as they both couldn't stand their parents). I was gobsmacked then, but perhaps I shouldn't be too surprised about this sort of attitudes persisting.
Anyway, I never understand the logic behind "買咗樓你嫁唔出架喇", wouldn't it be easy to sell it or have your husband move it with you or just rent your own flat out? I always thought that it would be hard to get married if one does NOT have a place of their own. Am I missing something?
Oops, "move IN with you" not "move it with you" of course.
Thx for sharing it! Very good pharses!
snowdrops: ha, well i did say sth similar to a friend before (she bought a place of her own some yrs ago): 第日拍拖唔好俾個男人知你自己有幢樓! :) cos u dun want a guy falls for u becos of ur money! does that make sense? :P same for rich guys, better not let women know how rich u are before u know them good enough.
cr: 很不錯啊!
echo: there are many more but couldn't recall. :)
SWJ: 有呢句? :)
uncleray: 我好似從未睇過佢啲作品, 今次都係咁啱係arts fest先有留意, 我好耐都無乜睇本地話劇喇, 你自己多留意佢個blog啦:
Haha, now I see :P Actually it's too late for me as all my friends know that I got my own place (the hosting of a house-warming party rather put paid to the notion of hiding my flat in secret!). Oh well. Actually over here it's not unusual (in fact, it's kind of expected if you're middle-class) that you will go off and get your own place in your late 20's and early 30's, irrespective of whether you're getting married or not. One would be looked down upon and be jeered at behind one's back for still living at home with one's parents in his/her 30's, whereas social judgement isn't so harsh regarding one's marital status.
My dream set-up would be some kind of arrangement a la Tim Burton and his wife Helena Bonham-Carter: two separate houses interconnected in the middle. He can have his stuff and I can have my stuff. Well I can dream on the way the global economy is going :P
snowdrops: 咁香港其實都越來越多單身女子置業. 除咗係保值外, 又當投資或儲蓄. 不過我諗話劇裡面個意思係, 又或我覺得, 如果一早自己買樓, 可能會太嚮往獨居, 慣咗就好唔想同人一齊生活.
Thanks for getting back to me Mad Dog (gosh it must be quite late / very early where you're now). Yes, I agree there is that risk alright. People over here are very used to being independent since their college days, either living on their own or sharing with flatmates, and I myself have lived in shared flats and shared houses in my 20s, so having a place to call my own was seen as a really great positive step, and it's the same situation among my girlfriends as well (some are cohabiting with their boyfriends, and one girl is getting married this September). Thanks for letting me know all these other connotations associated with a flat-owning female in Hongkong, I wish I could see the play also :)
snowdrops: 香港都多人(未婚)搬出嚟自己住, 不過一個人廿幾歲買樓始終唔多, 唔係人人都可以供到樓嘛 :) "middle class"可以自己一個人供樓, 一係搵好多, 一係屋企幫囉 :) 香港同好多地方唔同, 尤其係樓價.
Very sorry I don't mean to be hogging your comment thread MD :P
Absolutely agree with the below:
"香港同好多地方唔同, 尤其係樓價"
That said, it'd be very rare for young Irish people in their early to mid-20's to be able to afford their own housing, the ages I'm talking about is late 20's to early 30's. Like in Britain, most Irish people also prefer to buy as well rather than rent because the monthly mortgage repayments here are actually significantly CHEAPER (by about a fifth to a quarter) than rent for the same size of apartment. So if one could afford to rent here, they could afford to pay mortgage, provided that they are in steady employment and provided that they have the required level of deposit for the flat they wish to purchase (or get their parents to act as guarantors).
However, the Irish property market did overheat and collapsed a couple of years ago. But it is still relatively easy for a young couple (lower-middle class), or a single professional (middle to upper-middle class) to get on the property ladder. We have lots of land compared to HK, and one single lawyer Irish friend I know bought a piece of land near Cork city (she's from Cork herself, which is in the West of Ireland) when she was 29 by herself and employed an architect to build her dream bungalow, and though she is "lucky", but this kind of things (being able to buy land and build your own house before the age of 30) is not that rare over here. (In fact, buying land and building your own often works out cheaper than buying into built units by property developers).
There are also social housing schemes as well in the suburbs areas of Dublin, and since the property market collapsed it's now actually easier for some relatively well-off young people to get on the property ladder (provided they are in secure employment) because the prices are so much lower...
But very sorry for being so long-winded about this and again sincere apologies for hogging your comment page. Thanks a million for writing up the key quotes from the play and illuminating for me the difficulties that single ladies have in buying or not buying a flat in HK. Things seem quite complicated whenever property is involved and I agree that it's better to be more cautious and play our cards right :)
To Uncle Ray: "也想看這劇,不過好像門票一早就售光了。"
i found some more seats for each shows now, since they release Row B for sell. (cat. $240)
snowdrops: 係呀, 如果你叫任何一個香港單身人士點解唔買地然後叫人幫你起屋... 我諗佢會叫你入青山(精神病院)... :P ahaha!
crystal: thanks for the info!
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