2. 腳趾甲 ~ 那隻左腳腳趾公的腳甲終於長得"咁上吓"了. 有點安慰, 雖然外貌仍然很醜怪.
3. 其實上星期看了Dutch National Ballet, 又看了Big Four演唱會, 不過都不打算細寫了. 看Big Four更沒有帶相機. 那晚嘉賓除了吳國敬, 還有encore時段跑出來的草蜢. 沒想到Dicky原來那麼多人擁戴... 奇怪.
4. 減肥計劃沒有放棄, 只是忘了要繼續. 太冷時又不能只吃沙律. 這星期體重比三月首星期被嚇一跳那次是輕了兩三磅左右. 要繼續努力! (HKIFF太忙又無啖好食時或可有幫助)
5. 很多電影沒有看, 但HKIFF又來了, 難道都要錯過/等碟? :( A Single Man, It's Complicated, Up in the Air, The Lovely Bones...
you can totally skip it's complicated, saw it with bf's parents, they thought it's really good, and i couldn't openly defy them, so there's this awkward silence after the movie, LOL.
回應point 2: 這是值得驕傲既戰績黎架!
kristie: 我家姐睇咗都話無50歲都唔會有共鳴... :P
karelian: 腳趾甲咋喎... thanks :)
A Single Man, It's Complicated同埋Up in the air都睇左...
黎緊想睇Lovely Bones....
Cooking Meow: 我無時間睇呀... 星期一就hkiff喇.
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