Arabesque是芭蕾舞其中的一個姿勢, 形態. 一個完美的Arabesque是十分漂亮的, 但一點也不容易, 而且容易弄傷腰肌. 前陣子我便因為跳得太多過度運用那條肌肉, 連物理治療師也頭痛, 最後都是要多休息才好轉.
那麼, Arabesque是什麼?
Arabesque[a-ra-BESK](American Ballet Theatre): One of the basic poses in ballet, arabesque takes its name from a form of Moorish ornament. In ballet it is a position of the body, in profile, supported on one leg, which can be straight or demi-pli?, with the other leg extended behind and at right angles to it, and the arms held in various harmonious positions creating the longest possible line from the fingertips to the toes. The shoulders must be held square to the line of direction. The forms of arabesque are varied to infinity. The Cecchetti method uses five principal arabesques; the Russian School (Vaganova), four; and the French School, two. Arabesques are generally used to conclude a phrase of steps, both in the slow movements of adagio and the brisk, gay movements of all?gro.
Arabesque ["Arabic"](www.dancer.com/tom-parsons/dict.html): A pose with one leg stretched straight out to the back and one arm usually stretched out to the front. The back leg may be on the floor or at 45, 90, or 135 degrees. (These angles are measured from the vertical; 90 degrees means parallel to the floor.)
Friends of Hong Kong Ballet:
Arabesque (阿拉伯姿)是古典芭蕾舞常見的舞姿,有多種的變化。基本的Arabesque 是以一腿支撐著整個身體的平衡,另一腿則向後伸展直至膝蓋拉直。支撐身體的一腿可以是微彎或保持正直,而雙臂可按舞姿的要求放在任何位置。
除非向後伸展的腿提升得不太高,否則身體無須垂直。通常向後伸展的腿應在身體的正後方,並提升至90度以上,而身體則微向前傾找平衡。舞蹈員將兩個最遠點, 盡量向遠方伸展,令身體線條更修長,此時身體重心應集中在著地的腿上,而雙肩保持平衡。

Arabesque Allongee (sculpture)
在網上看到一個arabesque的相片集, 很漂亮啊(早知便用那些相片了)!
Technorati tags: arabesque, ballet term, ballet posture
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