想說的是, 那種想死的感覺, 要提醒自己, 只是一瞬間的感覺. 低落的情緒是會遠去的. 不要被情緒把自己拖下去.
想哭嗎, 哭一場. 想避開身邊的朋友嗎? 避一會. 但不要太沮喪. 黑雨的翌日是陽光普照.
有時人總想得太多. 思緒常在不受控制的情況下把人拖到谷底.
找隻影碟看看. 找個朋友談些無聊廢話. 又或在電話上(偶然爆粗)發洩一大輪也不錯.
當然假如低落情緒持續太久便可能需要找專業的幫助了. 我們都是人, 人總有軟弱時候, 生病了當然就要找醫生.
抬頭一看. 我看到藍天與白雲. (今天又在語無倫次!)
it's usual, mad dog and let yourself express your true feeling is good :)
take care, tomorrow is another day!
when i'm low, i'd 自嘲 and laugh at myself and laugh with my close friend.
when i'm super low, i'd sleep and hope for a better day tomorrow.
嗯, 是的, 我想信人總有高低起落的,
黑雨的翌日是陽光普照, 是的
kajie: thank you.
sillie me: what if u have trouble sleeping?
愛美: 對.
uncle ray: 不過唔係人人都咁容易樂觀.
If i have trouble sleeping, i'd try to cry. crying makes me tired. but i don't like crying, cos i'd feel pity for myself crying alone.
sigh...my negative energy is super high lately. i can only tell myself to hang on and the best is yet to come.
mad dog: when u're low, would u 強顏歡笑 even harder than usual?
sillie me: oh, cheer up lah! the blue sky is back! 強顏歡笑? 有時都會架, 不過我有咩唔開心都響塊面上展現, 好難呃到人. :)
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