
Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Sienna on Vogue (The September Issue)

認識Sienna Miller嗎? 香港人未必都認識她. 有說她是A貨Kate Moss, 總之有關她的新聞都是負面的多. 你說她漂亮嗎? 唔, 荷李活美人一大堆, 未輪到佢. 紐約出生英國長大的美國人, 父親是銀行家, 母親是室內設計師, 又在英國創辦戲劇學院. 我一直有留意她, 皆因她身邊的男人!

首先是人見人愛的Jude Law. My god...

她曾經埋怨, 她的career及一切都in the wrong order. 因為她一出道稍為被人留意是和Jude Law拍的"Alfie"(2004). 未成名她的感情事已公諸於世, 之後不停有緋聞.
with Jude Law

曾經和她的名字一起的還有Rhys Ifans, Matthew Rhys ("Brothers & Sisters"中的Kevin Walker)和Balthazar Getty(B&S的Tommy Walker). 近來天天在追看"Brothers & Sisters", 又非常喜歡Kevin Walker, 哼, 他們拍完"The Edge of Love"便拍過一輪散拖. 之後她又竟然搭上Tommy, 令Matthew Rhys和他反目!


昨晚看了Summer IFF放映的"The September Issue", 說的是2007年Vogue的September issue, Sienna Miller便是那期的封面人物. 在網上看到不少非議. 這個女子真的負面新聞多多.


Rhys Ifans had to ask her three times to marry him before she finally said "yes". (imdb)

Considers Madonna to be a close friend. (imdb)

Good friends with Guy Pearce, Keira Knightley and Anne Hathaway. (imdb)

"I know people compare me to Kate [Moss] a lot after that media hype started. But it's not that I'm trying to get her look, truly not. But I like what she's wearing and we seem to share taste to a certain extent." ~ Sienna Miller (imdb)

Topless Thriller...

A look at her questionable fame

September Issue Clips: Sienna Miller’s Wig Issues and Grace Coddington’s Photo Shoot

How Sienna Miller's 'toothy' look and 'unruly hair' on a photoshoot angered Vogue editor Anna Wintour

What Has the World Got Against Sienna Miller?

Sienna Miller Is Kind of Mean


Agnes Tse said...

Jude Law花心, 但Sienna Miller竟然原諒番佢轉頭.

mad dog said...

Agnes: 唉... 不過Jude咁正, 唔花心就奇啦...

Samantha said...

不過都係唔係太想佢再同jude law一齊lor...

mad dog said...

Samantha: 佢唔差, 不過靚人大把. 我諗咁多人唔鍾意佢係因為唔知點解佢會咁有知名度.