Right, I seldom write in English, obviously am still having my vacation, using the computer in the hotel. Thanks God that I've really made this trip. Seeing college friends, looking for my footprints from the old days, fighting jet lags, being frightened by coughing passengers on every plane that I was on (hell I always have this kind of "luck"!), not even half way thru my vacation, and I enjoyed every bit of it.
Thought of uploading some lovely photos onto here to share with you all, but don't think I can do so with this computer. Well, will definitely do so when I'm back.
Even CNN here is talking about the H1N1 pandemic... widespread cases in 46 states... gosh, I gotta gear up!
Am planning to spend some time reading in front of the lake tomorrow. Don't miss me too much. :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009

昨晚做了一個攪笑的夢, 就是上了Vladimir Malakhov的private coaching! Wow! 我的日藉導師也在場. 還有一幕, 想起來也面紅, 就是Vladimir Malakhov從後擁抱著我一起坐在地上看ballet video!!! Haha!!! 更攪笑是保險界女強人竟然來看我, 而我的日藉導師卻問她: what are you doing here? 她最後唯有離開. 哈哈. 我經常會做一些無厘頭的夢, 不明所以, 總之就是好笑.
多年好友近年少了聯絡, 他一直都不在香港. 我將遠行, 心想, 可以找到他嗎? 我會去他居住的城市啊... 電郵寄出一兩天, 沒想到剛才終於收到他的回覆了, 真令人興奮! 更戲劇化是, 他說假如我早一個星期到訪, 還可以出席他的婚禮!!!
話說我有幾位男性好友, 友人說她幾近沒有男性好友, 和男人很難做好友. 幸運地我有好幾個, 而上面提到的是其中一位.

終於可以透透了, 好像差不多四年沒有離港多過一星期, 這回應該是開blog以來小休最久的一次了. 人家Away We Go去了多個城市, 我這個"Away I Go"只會去兩處, 都是到訪過的地方(還有居住過的). 對, 人老了, 總愛懷緬過去... 離開了十多年, 很想重返舊地. 高興的當然還有可以探望多位好友了.
(其實那個Vladimir Malakhov的夢都不全然是無聊的... 是關這回希望有機會上上當地的ballet class, 導師應該是烏克蘭/俄羅斯藉的, 太好了!)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
500 Days of Summer / 心跳500天

唔, 就是been there done that那種吧. 或許人生已到了另一個階段, 心境不同, 電影感動不了我. 沒預期般喜歡. 或許, 十年前的我看此片會非常喜歡.
愛情路上, 來來去去都是這樣, 相信大家喜歡這電影都是因為有共鳴:
~ 不喜歡commitment的那一方, 往往都是傷害對方的一位, 是"衰人"
~ 不是你的就不是你的, 愛情是從來沒有原因, 無法解釋
~ 迷戀人的那一方, 總是想盡辦法維繫, 又覺得當一切都是正路時, 都希望得到對方一個肯定
~ 其實"衰人"只是沒你愛他那麼多吧了. 你我他都曾做過"衰人"

選角方面也很合適. Joseph Gordon-Levitt(Tom Hansen)一臉稚氣, 就是很sincere的男孩. Zooey Deschanel(Summer Finn)那常常"碌大對眼"的神情, 好一副漠不關心的"衰人"look. 對, 她只不過是個很普通的女孩吧了. Average height, average weight... 大家通常都是死在這些"好一般"的"衰人"手上吧?
一個從不打算定下來的人, 和你分手後, 旋即結婚, 晴天霹靂? 不過我又的確聽過無數次類似的故事. 主角可以是男, 可以是女.
我在當中也找到一些熟悉的東西, 例如日子, 例如姓氏.
Summer之後是Autumn, 愛情故事有時只是不斷的重演又重演. 不同的只是這回又輪到哪位是"衰人".

說的是大學好友G. 回想起來, 多年來我都把她看作妹妹, 唔, 應該說, 在她面前, 我常覺得自己是個大姐姐, 一來我真的比她年長半年有多, 二來, 她真的多一點傻氣. 加上她個子小, 和她站在一起, 我像個巨人, 總覺得要保護她似的.
日子久了, 近年她越來越像個大姐姐, 尤其對著我時. 忽然間, 我變了個傻瓜. 怎麼一次又一次, 她的說話都好像點醒了我? 不愧為家中長女, 原來真的和我這個孻的很不同.
姊妹啊, 我真希望可以像你, 那麼清晰, 那麼明智, 那麼有智慧. 聽了她一晚的話, 看見她的成長和改變, 實在令人讚嘆.
日子久了, 近年她越來越像個大姐姐, 尤其對著我時. 忽然間, 我變了個傻瓜. 怎麼一次又一次, 她的說話都好像點醒了我? 不愧為家中長女, 原來真的和我這個孻的很不同.
姊妹啊, 我真希望可以像你, 那麼清晰, 那麼明智, 那麼有智慧. 聽了她一晚的話, 看見她的成長和改變, 實在令人讚嘆.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Whatever Works

想笑足92分鐘的話, 要入場啊!
飾演男主角Boris的Larry David(演電視多於電影)根本就是Woody Allen的化身. Woody Allen自己不演反而找個男演員飾演典型Woody Allen角色, 好像不多. 老男遇上年輕女子, 不就是現實中Woody Allen自己的寫照?
這回Woody Allen又返回他的地頭紐約, 說的是地道美國故事. 什麼都談, 什麼都涉足, 又是對白不停, 笑聲連連.
諷刺幽默精闢共冶一爐, 找不到不看的原因. 看時我大聲狂笑了一次, 瘋癲地笑了多次.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
剛才的blogthings quiz, 有一條:
Imagine you were able to find out one thing about your future. What would you like to learn?
Imagine you were able to find out one thing about your future. What would you like to learn?
What Tetris Block Are You?
You Are the "Z" Block |
![]() You are somewhat high maintenance and picky. You don't mesh with the outside world easily, but when you've found your place, it's usually a perfect fit. You have strong beliefs, and it annoys you when other people don't agree with you. You are pretty demanding of people around you. Compromise is not something you think about. You know you may be hard to handle. People may love you or hate you, but you're not about to change. |
Saturday, October 17, 2009

女醫生準備和律師男友買樓結婚, 卻說沒錢買樓.
和幾位網友在google reader上談論一大輪, 就只搬我說過的上來:
無人叫你一出嚟做醫生就想買貴樓架... 大佬, 香港3mil樓下樓盤好多, 買到幾大買到邊區咪住囉... 香港樓市死大家一齊死...
... ... 屋企唔幫咪租住先囉, 人地外國18歲後個個都係靠自己, 無錢咪住trailer park囉, 同人share apartment囉, 咩事啫... 醫生律師一定要住半山呀?! 好巴閉咩... 人地廠家果啲都係住美孚太古城咋... :P
個XX女醫生個口吻似係"我地咁專業"... 一副好巴閉咁嘅聲氣. 醫生+律師點X樣買唔到樓呀宜家? 呢啲叫無病呻吟. 人地一家四口收入得一兩萬點算?!
如果肯儲錢, 唔會買唔到合心水. 身邊朋友個個都係咁.
我都有親戚由細住豪宅大(屋企宜家住house)... 宜家結咗婚都係住大型私人屋苑咋, 都係專業人士.
我想要咁咁咁, 不過乜咁貴架? ~ 咁咪咪買囉. 無人叫你要買prada又嫌prada貴. 買H&M囉. 都係袋啫.
所以我咪等減價囉(名牌袋)... 正價唔捨得買, 咪唔買囉. 個遊戲係咁玩, 無計.
我買名牌袋個年代係幾千蚊有交易... 當年都試過一年買兩三個... 不過自從euro越來越貴, 無一萬蚊都買唔到一個時, 我人工又無幾倍咁上, 我依然只捨得買$5000以下嘅袋... 所以無減價時我係唔再買名牌袋.
樓同名牌袋一樣, 佢咁貴, 你一樣可以話佢根本唔值, 不過依然有人負擔得起, 有人捨得買. 就係咁架喇.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Where Do Babies Come From?
According to this week's Newsweek (research by Sarah Cardwell), more than 80% hail from Africa and Asia...
Percentage of world population Born in 2009:
Asia ~ 57.4%
Americas ~ 11.5%
Europe ~ 4.6%
Africa ~ 26%
Oceania (including Australia and New Zealand) ~ 0.5%
Percentage of world population Born in 2009:
Asia ~ 57.4%
Americas ~ 11.5%
Europe ~ 4.6%
Africa ~ 26%
Oceania (including Australia and New Zealand) ~ 0.5%
Thursday, October 15, 2009
兩周一聚: 香港二十

1. 始終都有家的感覺... 尤其身在海外時
2. 有八達通好方便
3. 四通八達, 好方便
4. 唔會悶
5. 年中許多電影節, 不難找到好電影
6. 美食算是多籮籮
7. 家人及大部份好友都在這裡
8. 同聲同氣
9. 每區都有特色, 地方雖少, 其實要找新意, 要找地方看看都不是沒有的
10. 連街市阿嬸都講到兩句英文, 雖然大部份人都講唔流利嘅英文, 不過已比好多國家/地區如日本, 韓國, 台灣好的了. 老外應不會覺得在這裡言語不通.
1. 夏天熱爆人, 近乎沒有冬天
2. 潮濕
3. 太多人時... 有時周末想找個安靜的公眾地方都不易
4. 沒有禮貌的人仍然多... 應該說, 是越來越多...
5. 塞車, 等唔到車
6. 腸胃敏感, 容易令我腸胃炎(天氣關係抑或食物不潔?)
7. 好多唔化嘅人... :P
8. 地方細無空間, 有假期想去玩時, 旅遊平平地只可以東南亞同大陸, 頂多去日本(都唔平)...
9. 仍然有街貓... 食肆也會有... 討厭!
10. 免費電視台壟斷, 無記劇集經常悶爆人, 虐待觀眾
其實這一篇應該是"壞話"的延續... :) 哈哈哈.
結賬了. 我找數, 因為我欠會計高官上一餐的錢. 我的信用卡有九折, 折後$370. 我寫$380. 通常計數的不會是我, 因為全人類都是計數人, 唯獨我不是.
老闆第一個叫道: 每人$100囉.
我: 哦... (心想, 快成咁... )
保險界女強人: 咁$95囉...
我: 我無五蚊噃...
會計高官: 由佢啦... (我和她在找續差額中)
保險界女強人: 咁你踭我五蚊啦!
會計高官: 算啦...
老闆: 佢係好均真架(指我)
最後我都每人找回$5. :) 死未.
還有, 和上次的保險人買保險的問題...
我: 係喎, 你地買旅遊保險通常買邊間?
會計高官: 我通常都係去銀行買, 打個電話攪掂...
保險界女強人: 睇吓邊間做緊promo囉... (吓, 原來會咁架?!)
我: 我次次都買Blue Cross... 因為公司以前用Blue Cross... (又, 其實多年前我真的試過去加拿大時要睇醫生, 買了Blue Cross, 回來成功claim到)
保險界女強人: 點解次次都要Blue Cross?
我: 買開都係囉...
結賬了. 我找數, 因為我欠會計高官上一餐的錢. 我的信用卡有九折, 折後$370. 我寫$380. 通常計數的不會是我, 因為全人類都是計數人, 唯獨我不是.
老闆第一個叫道: 每人$100囉.
我: 哦... (心想, 快成咁... )
保險界女強人: 咁$95囉...
我: 我無五蚊噃...
會計高官: 由佢啦... (我和她在找續差額中)
保險界女強人: 咁你踭我五蚊啦!
會計高官: 算啦...
老闆: 佢係好均真架(指我)
最後我都每人找回$5. :) 死未.
還有, 和上次的保險人買保險的問題...
我: 係喎, 你地買旅遊保險通常買邊間?
會計高官: 我通常都係去銀行買, 打個電話攪掂...
保險界女強人: 睇吓邊間做緊promo囉... (吓, 原來會咁架?!)
我: 我次次都買Blue Cross... 因為公司以前用Blue Cross... (又, 其實多年前我真的試過去加拿大時要睇醫生, 買了Blue Cross, 回來成功claim到)
保險界女強人: 點解次次都要Blue Cross?
我: 買開都係囉...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
是日約了七友中的三人去飲茶. 對, 星期三嘛, 有人星期三才得閒.
都說不出席的永遠成為話柄... 什麼圈子也如是. :P 哈哈. 不過大家都發現有些人總被免疫. 太面面俱圓完全無位人入? 都可能的.
Anyway, 有人很少被人說閒話, 不過這天說她的都是笑話吧了. 此乃大家閨秀. 是日整日開會, 未能出席.
因為大小姐經常都work from home, 有時可以忙到午餐也沒時間吃...
老闆: 佢今日喺屋企?
保險界女強人: 咪又係屋企...
我: 佢宜家好似五日有四日都work from home... 不過佢話有時真係得九個字lunch, 慘到只夠時間撲去老麥咋...
blah blah blah...
老闆: 佢有幾辛苦吖, 你估佢唔係一路整指甲(大小姐每兩星期都去修甲一次... 我們這些平凡人的指甲被她嘲笑為"好核突")一路開會咩...
保險界女強人: 分分鐘有人幫佢按摩緊對腳添呀...
哈, 朋友都是用來作話柄的... :)
我不在場的話? 大把嘢俾人講... :P
都說不出席的永遠成為話柄... 什麼圈子也如是. :P 哈哈. 不過大家都發現有些人總被免疫. 太面面俱圓完全無位人入? 都可能的.
Anyway, 有人很少被人說閒話, 不過這天說她的都是笑話吧了. 此乃大家閨秀. 是日整日開會, 未能出席.
因為大小姐經常都work from home, 有時可以忙到午餐也沒時間吃...
老闆: 佢今日喺屋企?
保險界女強人: 咪又係屋企...
我: 佢宜家好似五日有四日都work from home... 不過佢話有時真係得九個字lunch, 慘到只夠時間撲去老麥咋...
blah blah blah...
老闆: 佢有幾辛苦吖, 你估佢唔係一路整指甲(大小姐每兩星期都去修甲一次... 我們這些平凡人的指甲被她嘲笑為"好核突")一路開會咩...
保險界女強人: 分分鐘有人幫佢按摩緊對腳添呀...
哈, 朋友都是用來作話柄的... :)
我不在場的話? 大把嘢俾人講... :P
Innocence 沒有盡期的愛

海報是一對年輕戀人, 故事說的其實是一對年邁的舊情人. Andreas得悉五十年前的戀人Claire居住在附近, 並成功找到她. Claire有丈夫, 也有個醫生兒子. Andreas的妻子多年前已離世.
故事不算太觸動到我. 橋段及拍攝手法有點老土, 尤其不斷加插年輕時的Andreas及Claire的片段. 可以拍得更好.
總括感想是, 覺得Andreas很自私, 知道自己身患絕症還跑去找Claire, 把人家兩夫妻的生活攪亂了. 不過結局卻有點意外, 因為先離開的不是Andreas.
或許人之將死, 都希望可以一賞心願, 令自己沒有遺憾地離去. 遺願, 大可以自私吧?
"Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity." ~ Sigmund Freud
"The creative person is willing to live with ambiguity. He doesn't need problems solved immediately and can afford to wait for the right ideas." ~ Abe Tannenbaum
"Intolerance of ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality." ~ Theodor W. Adorno (German philosopher, 1903-1969)
Source: thinkexist.com
"The creative person is willing to live with ambiguity. He doesn't need problems solved immediately and can afford to wait for the right ideas." ~ Abe Tannenbaum
"Intolerance of ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality." ~ Theodor W. Adorno (German philosopher, 1903-1969)
Source: thinkexist.com
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
上星期, 二姊生日, 因為大姊有工作在身, 不能出席晚飯, 於是一個月前已和我商量, 想給二姊一個驚喜. 就是生日當晚讓兩個女兒(大姊的)忽然出現給她驚喜.
沒有出席的那位, 通常都被說壞話, 原來這個定律在家人中也會出現的, 哈哈哈. 不過當然都是拿來開開玩笑.
晚飯差不多結束時, 我們在說笑, 不知說到哪裡, 提到小時候的趣事, 我和二姊便"數落"大姊"欺負"我們的往事. 我一向記性好, 沒想到甥女們會有什麼反應. 然而小孩子有影印機一樣的記憶, 一回家便一五一十告訴她們的母親. 拿得出來笑, 我們當然都覺得無傷大雅了.
原來感到"驚喜"的是大姊, 她都忘記了那些事情, 沒想到我們卻記得那麼清楚, 對自己年少無知/無心之失時說過的話做過的事有點耿耿於懷, 還寫了長長的電郵給我倆. :)
這兩個小孩, 令我的大姊看到許多事情, 感受良多. 我告訴大姊, 不用太take it too seriously, 有哪些人的兄弟姊妹沒有難頂之處? 成長期總是諸多爭執, 若不, 哪算是姊妹呢?
可憐的大姊, 你只是有個記性太好的妹妹吧了! 哈哈!
沒有出席的那位, 通常都被說壞話, 原來這個定律在家人中也會出現的, 哈哈哈. 不過當然都是拿來開開玩笑.
晚飯差不多結束時, 我們在說笑, 不知說到哪裡, 提到小時候的趣事, 我和二姊便"數落"大姊"欺負"我們的往事. 我一向記性好, 沒想到甥女們會有什麼反應. 然而小孩子有影印機一樣的記憶, 一回家便一五一十告訴她們的母親. 拿得出來笑, 我們當然都覺得無傷大雅了.
原來感到"驚喜"的是大姊, 她都忘記了那些事情, 沒想到我們卻記得那麼清楚, 對自己年少無知/無心之失時說過的話做過的事有點耿耿於懷, 還寫了長長的電郵給我倆. :)
這兩個小孩, 令我的大姊看到許多事情, 感受良多. 我告訴大姊, 不用太take it too seriously, 有哪些人的兄弟姊妹沒有難頂之處? 成長期總是諸多爭執, 若不, 哪算是姊妹呢?
可憐的大姊, 你只是有個記性太好的妹妹吧了! 哈哈!
Monday, October 12, 2009

對上一次來大澳應該是七年前或更久. 沒多改變. 不過離開時可以乘巴士去東涌市中心.
Citygate Outlet以前也逛過, 完全沒有驚喜. 不過原來走遠一點近Novotel Hotel有一翼是比較吸引的, 竟然有收穫. 都是買來送禮.
八時多已沒有力氣再去想有什麼好吃了. 即管看看酒店有什麼晚餐. 見到有dinner buffet, 才$188一位, 非常多人, 想必不太差.

Saturday, October 10, 2009
What dare are you most likely to take someone up on?
1. Walking around in public with all your clothes on backwards
2. Eating a strange item that you can't identify
3. Getting a tattoo on your butt
4. Arm wrestling everyone in the room
5. Streaking in your neighborhood
6. Hitting on a stranger
What dare are you most likely to take someone up on?
1. Walking around in public with all your clothes on backwards
2. Eating a strange item that you can't identify
3. Getting a tattoo on your butt
4. Arm wrestling everyone in the room
5. Streaking in your neighborhood
6. Hitting on a stranger
Friday, October 09, 2009
看今期Newsweek, Joyce Maynard介紹了四本好書"Best. Books. Ever.":
Time Will Darken It ~ by William Maxwell
~ a quietly profound novel about family and the redemptive power of love
不過看內容介紹, 不太有興趣...
Plainsong ~ by Kent Haruf
~ a book that our president took on vacation with him, but I loved first
連Obama也拿去讀, 好像有點吸引. 不過看完簡介... 未必是我想看的東西...
The Executioner's Song ~ by Norman Mailer
~ a book that reminds me to locate compassion for every single character
wow... 有關死刑的... 有點heavy...
Goodnight Moon ~ by Margaret Wise Brown
~ the best example of how much a writer can say in very few words
唔, 如果度假要你拿本書去看, 你會拿本什麼書?

~ a quietly profound novel about family and the redemptive power of love
不過看內容介紹, 不太有興趣...

~ a book that our president took on vacation with him, but I loved first
連Obama也拿去讀, 好像有點吸引. 不過看完簡介... 未必是我想看的東西...

~ a book that reminds me to locate compassion for every single character
wow... 有關死刑的... 有點heavy...

~ the best example of how much a writer can say in very few words
唔, 如果度假要你拿本書去看, 你會拿本什麼書?
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Proust Questionnaire
It's good to have such convenient questionnaire when I'm too tired to think what to write about in such a busy week... hope it won't take too long...
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
oh god... I think I am giving myself a headache at this time of the "day"... well... perfect happiness... is enjoying the time with my loved ones, anytime, anywhere...
2. What is your greatest fear?
apart from all kinds of CATS, then it should be death, the death of loved ones
3. Which historical figure do you most identify with?
hmm... I have to admit... (back then when I still believed in fortune telling) a fortune teller used to say I am Mulan... ok, please don't laugh
4. Which living person do you most admire?
difficult question... oh right, my MUM!
5. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
hmm... maybe a bit too lazy and not ambitious enough
6. What is the trait you most deplore in others?
7. What is your greatest extravagance?
not much actually... a pair of glasses which cost me $4000 (and criticized by a friend lately for making me look "leung"... :( ), some shoes... and hair cut/color/treatment which cost around $2700 (ok, I only do that once a year now!)
8. On what occasion do you lie?
I don't see that as lie... I just hide the truth... :P
9. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
my skin, no longer good skin as I had for over twenty years... sigh...
10. When and where were you happiness?
when my loved ones make me laugh
11. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
skinnier! Well... actually more than just that! How about determination and happier
12. If you could change one thing about your family what would it be?
richer loh... :P I mean emotionally we are very very rich already. Can I be a little bit greedy?
13. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
would rather let my family and loved ones tell me the answer :)
14. If you died and came back as a person or thing what do you think it would be?
I don't believe in reincarnation and I'm not gonna answer this
15. What is your most treasured possession?
my family
16. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
don't understand this question...
17. Who are your heroes in real life?
my parents (I did write about that in one of those 兩周一聚 blogs)
18. What is it that you most dislike?
being lost in life
19. How would you like to die?
heart attack maybe... and I believe I probably would die this way too...
20. What is your motto?
can't think of one right now
Alright... celebrities who answered like me are:
Billy O'Reilly ~ 86.57%
Arnold Schwarzenegger ~ 74.94%
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
oh god... I think I am giving myself a headache at this time of the "day"... well... perfect happiness... is enjoying the time with my loved ones, anytime, anywhere...
2. What is your greatest fear?
apart from all kinds of CATS, then it should be death, the death of loved ones
3. Which historical figure do you most identify with?
hmm... I have to admit... (back then when I still believed in fortune telling) a fortune teller used to say I am Mulan... ok, please don't laugh
4. Which living person do you most admire?
difficult question... oh right, my MUM!
5. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
hmm... maybe a bit too lazy and not ambitious enough
6. What is the trait you most deplore in others?
7. What is your greatest extravagance?
not much actually... a pair of glasses which cost me $4000 (and criticized by a friend lately for making me look "leung"... :( ), some shoes... and hair cut/color/treatment which cost around $2700 (ok, I only do that once a year now!)
8. On what occasion do you lie?
I don't see that as lie... I just hide the truth... :P
9. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
my skin, no longer good skin as I had for over twenty years... sigh...
10. When and where were you happiness?
when my loved ones make me laugh
11. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
skinnier! Well... actually more than just that! How about determination and happier
12. If you could change one thing about your family what would it be?
richer loh... :P I mean emotionally we are very very rich already. Can I be a little bit greedy?
13. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
would rather let my family and loved ones tell me the answer :)
14. If you died and came back as a person or thing what do you think it would be?
I don't believe in reincarnation and I'm not gonna answer this
15. What is your most treasured possession?
my family
16. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
don't understand this question...
17. Who are your heroes in real life?
my parents (I did write about that in one of those 兩周一聚 blogs)
18. What is it that you most dislike?
being lost in life
19. How would you like to die?
heart attack maybe... and I believe I probably would die this way too...
20. What is your motto?
can't think of one right now
Alright... celebrities who answered like me are:
Billy O'Reilly ~ 86.57%
Arnold Schwarzenegger ~ 74.94%
The Eye Test
Deep Down You Are Intuitive |
![]() You're the type of person who understands other people and the world very well. You don't let on to how much you know. You can tell so much from someone's facial expressions or tone of voice. And you always know when you're being lied to. You show the world exactly what you want to show. Besides being good at reading people, you also know how you're being read. You know when you're being manipulated, and you know how to manipulate someone if you have to. You usually don't resort to it though! |
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Monday, October 05, 2009
The Time Traveler's Wife (時光旅的戀人)
沒有看原著, 或許看過原著的都會非常討厭此片. 我倒覺得還可以... 唔, 怎樣說呢, 都有感動位, 流了些眼淚.
愛上這樣一個男人當然可憐. 他說: You have a choice. 她說: I don't have a choice. 她有選擇嗎? 或許有. 當愛情帶來眼淚多於笑聲時, 我們都愛說: I don't have a choice.
樂觀一點看, 我卻羨慕他們的女兒. 父親永遠都是四十歲左右, 什麼時候都可以探望他, 多好!
"I don't want you to spend your life waiting." 不過無論他怎樣不說, 她們都一直在等他.
Fame (我要高飛)
當年有看過第一齣, 忘了內容, 不過記得印象頗深刻. 單是主題曲都耳熟能詳.
這回有點失望, 多個角色描寫都不夠深入, 沒有一個會令你看完喜歡上他的. 或許導演野心太大, 希望什麼都有一點, 結果是印象不深. 看碟/等電視播算了.
唯一值得一讚是"現實終歸是現實"的刻劃, 多麼的真實.

沒有看原著, 或許看過原著的都會非常討厭此片. 我倒覺得還可以... 唔, 怎樣說呢, 都有感動位, 流了些眼淚.
愛上這樣一個男人當然可憐. 他說: You have a choice. 她說: I don't have a choice. 她有選擇嗎? 或許有. 當愛情帶來眼淚多於笑聲時, 我們都愛說: I don't have a choice.
樂觀一點看, 我卻羨慕他們的女兒. 父親永遠都是四十歲左右, 什麼時候都可以探望他, 多好!
"I don't want you to spend your life waiting." 不過無論他怎樣不說, 她們都一直在等他.

當年有看過第一齣, 忘了內容, 不過記得印象頗深刻. 單是主題曲都耳熟能詳.
這回有點失望, 多個角色描寫都不夠深入, 沒有一個會令你看完喜歡上他的. 或許導演野心太大, 希望什麼都有一點, 結果是印象不深. 看碟/等電視播算了.
唯一值得一讚是"現實終歸是現實"的刻劃, 多麼的真實.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
閒談間, 說到親友中都認識到數個有九十多歲高齡的長輩, 我說: 千萬不要讓我有九十多歲命, 很怕.
母親笑說: 你? 唔會喇...
我: 哈, 點解呀, 好難講架...
母親: 你都唔錫身.
我: XX好錫身咩? 佢成日食埋哂啲XXX...
母親: 佢點都錫身過你啦.
無語 :)
母親笑說: 你? 唔會喇...
我: 哈, 點解呀, 好難講架...
母親: 你都唔錫身.
我: XX好錫身咩? 佢成日食埋哂啲XXX...
母親: 佢點都錫身過你啦.
無語 :)
Friday, October 02, 2009
「兩周一聚」由Michelle發起,這個網上約會的構思自零八年十月搞的一次網上「秋天派對」後成立,定期約會的意念則來自法博格 “Rédac’ du Mois” 。
第廿四期由我來出題. 請各位有興趣參與的於十月十五日出文.題目: "香港二十" ~ 寫出十樣你最喜歡及十樣你最討厭香港的事物(任何事物, 包括人或事, 自由發揮)
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