
Tuesday, February 14, 2006


數天旅程裡, 有機會到書店逛逛, 在許多國家也有分店的紀伊國屋書店(Kinokuniya) 看到一本名為"It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be "的英文書, 作者是英國人, Paul Arden. 被書名吸引了, 簡介寫得也不錯, 但由於封了套的, 沒有叫店員開給我看.

昨天離開酒店出機場前還有點時間, 於是再到書店跑跑, 打算買下它. 走到櫃台前, 問店員可否開封看看內容, 她熱情的招呼我, 更拿來作者另一本新書, 名為"Whatever You Think Think The Opposite".

花了些時間看過兩書內容, 最後決定買店員介紹的新書"Whatever You Think Think The Opposite", 因為"How Good"一書比較適合一心想成功的人士, 而對於我這些小女人, 還是對"Whatever You Think"比較有興趣.

作者曾是著名廣告公司Saatchi & Saatchi 的創作執行總監(Executive Creative Director), 兩書都用不傳統的寫作手法, 加上許多插圖和不同font size的字體, 很特別. 這書不但適合在職及有志於創一翻事業的人士閱讀, 亦適合任何愛思想的讀者.


Andy said...

This books looks interesting!

mad dog said...

i've read it in 2 days (while on car and before bed), very short and easy to read. some very good points, but i don't agree them all. in some way, u can say that this book doesn't worth that much...

aulina said...

真巧,正想看看有沒有香港人看過這本書便看到你的post... 更巧是,我和你選用了相同的template plus都是女人。 :) Nice to meet you.

mad dog said...

多謝你的留言. nice to meet u too.
p.s. reading ur blogs now...