
Wednesday, February 01, 2006


今年的大年初一, 很難得剛好是週日, 一家人一起返教會崇拜, 母親更有份侍奉, 實在感恩! 這樣的新年, 夫服何求? 感謝神!

傳道人講述拜年不是必然事, 有人家人各散東西, 有人無父無母, 可以一家人一起過年其實是很難得和幸福的事.

拜年, 派利事, 辦年貨, 支出確不少, 但都是高興的. 今年更是連續第十年與老公(以往他是男友)到維園行年宵.

一切都不是必然. 緊記凡事感恩!

P.S. 在此也盼望在埃及旅遊遇難的死傷者及家屬都得到安慰和醫治, 求主祝福.


John J. C. Lew said...

一切不是必然, 緊記凡事感恩.

Like this expression. Many of us take things for granted for too long and we don't see how things come anymore.

Sometimes if we close our eyes long enough we may actually see how things come around. And hopefully then we will appreciate more...

:@) johnny the moron

mad dog said...

thanks for dropping me a line! happy chinese new year john!