聽大家說了Yorkshire Pudding多時, 終於跑去一試. Walk in.
叫了Roast Beef(with Yorkshire Pudding)及Fish and Chips. 另叫了紅酒(之後又飲白酒, 傻了).
Roast Beef不夠熱, 要叫他們弄熱一點. 味道一般.

Fish and Chips, 可以, 不過沒有驚喜. 忽然記起數年前在Gibraltar吃過, 那裡的非常非常好吃... 在香港好像許久沒吃過了.

甜品叫了這個Sticky Toffee Pudding. 我不太喜歡它的texture. 可以.

價錢適中. 不過一如身邊數位相熟網友"研究"過, 大家都覺得這裡水準非常飄忽不定, 好不好吃要看彩數! :(
OpenRice連結地址: 中環士丹頓街6號

英式pub food!所以話香港真係咩都有!
sammi: 不過水準唔多穩定...
oasis: 係卦... 不過嘢食未得
yes, it's really so unstable, I tried it few times, luckily everytime it's tasty! but my fd tried it, she said it's under average..haha, so depends
coffee: some said lunches are worse than dinners.
ahh, I never try at lunch time:P
有次睇蘇絲黃在有線介紹過, 始終唔知系邊...等我下次試下先.thanks.
xavier: 行人電梯上到Staunton Street就見, pizza餐廳隔離.
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