其實差不多是"The Full Monty"(1997)的德國版. 沒真正看過The Full Monty, 這齣德國攪笑作是週末不錯的娛樂.
五個男人: 餐廳老闆, phD畢業生, 警察, 大公司高層, 少男. 笑貧不笑娼, 男人作娼更沒女人當妓羞恥(少男的母親得悉兒子和朋友攪這門"生意", 知道目標客人是女人立即十萬個同意!)

synopsis: "Frank is a Doctor of Philosophy, unemployed and a house-husband. Gy is a police office, always at odds with his health insurance. Olli owns a delicatessen shop, which nobody frequents. Giselher can't get a job, as he is allegedly too old. And Lasse can't cope with anything at all! Only an ingenious plan can help in a situation like this: the five unlikely friends decide to set up a special escort service for women, giving themselves over to the wishes of their female clientele as 'Live German Delicatessens'. Afterall, "it’s probably better to have sex for money than no sex and no money.""(BC cinema site)
說到男人失業, 近日實在不是什麼笑話. 看New York Times一篇"Mr. Moms". 一場金融海嘯, 不少爸爸都多了親子時間: 接放學、 到超市購物等等.

"... women are happy to see stay-at-home husbands building closer relationships with their children. But one little-spoken effect is an uneasy feeling that these highly successful men are facing the pain and potential shame of being out of work. "A man is supposed to hunt and gather and bring home and provide, and when they don’t, that goes to their identity," said Jane Robbins, a PTA member. "If they can find some solace in being the parent, if they can take that out of it, God bless them.""
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