
Thursday, November 06, 2008


young boy lives in a state hospital in Budapest,
where his emotionally troubled mother
spends most of her time curled under sheets
(by Eugene Richards)

看Newseek一photo gallery文章 ~ Shocking Therapy: Psychiatric institutions around the world (photographs by Eugene Richards), 都很震撼.

一向也有關注精神病及精神病康復者(碩士的graduation project都是探討有關題目~勁長, 無乜必要無謂睇啦 :) ), 亦曾到訪本地的精神病院作研究.

沒想到今時今日, 世上還有像photo gallery裡的精神病院(Paraguay, Armenia, Mexico, Hungary, Kosovo)... 觸目驚心!

當你看到這些好像失去了靈魂的人及他們的起居地方時, 便會覺得自己是何等幸福.


michelle said...

mad dog: regarding this subjet, i would like to let you know an excellent photo report of a hongkong photographer Simon Chang. He has spent some time in Czeh and took these photos in a mental hospital in Prague, name "They":

If my memory is right, he has won prize with this report. You should also go to see others photos in his site, he is so amazing.

I've discovered his photos & his site by chance quite some time ago.

mad dog said...

michelle: thanks! let me take a look.